Quicksilver 314
Quicksilver: Volume One of the Baroque Cycle | |
author | Neal Stephenson |
pages | 944 |
publisher | William Morrow |
rating | 9 |
reviewer | Christina Schulman |
ISBN | 0380977427 |
summary | More than you ever wanted to know about the English Restoration and the invention of calculus, with lots of explosions, syphilis, and piracy thrown in for good measure. |
First, let's make it clear that Quicksilver is not science fiction. It's historical fiction, occasionally about science, for people who like science fiction, i.e. geeks. It has math, optics, and vivisection, but no computers, no code, and no high-speed pizza delivery.
This is also not a book that gets anywhere quickly. It's 900-plus pages, and it's not padded so much as it is fractal. Stephenson wanders down side tracks, stages elaborate adventures and morality plays, explores philosophical issues and geometric proofs, assembles obscure puns, and drags in all manner of famous people and events, purely for his own amusement. Either you sit back and enjoy the game, or you hurl the book (with effort) at the wall somewhere in the first few hundred pages.
Daniel Waterhouse is a seventeenth-century geek; his father's a prominent associate of Oliver Cromwell, but Daniel's more interested in Natural Philosophy than in decapitating kings and Catholics. At Cambridge, he befriends Isaac Newton; later he becomes sort of a grad student and chief bottle-washer to the Royal Society. He starts out as naive observer of London politics, but over a few decades, gravitates into the intrigues of both the Court and the European intelligentsia. Just as Lawrence Waterhouse befriended Turing in Cryptonomicon, Daniel Waterhouse orbits Newton and Leibniz. It seems to be the fate of Waterhouse men to be brilliant thinkers eclipsed by the geniuses of their age.
Jack Shaftoe is a legend in his own time, a thief and mercenary who propels himself around Europe on sheer balls and avarice. He bumbles into and out of ridiculous scrapes, including an ostrich-chase at the Siege of Vienna that results in his rescue of the slave-girl Eliza from a Turkish harem. Eliza's business savvy draws the pair back across Europe to Amsterdam, where Eliza becomes entwined in both the Dutch stock exchange and the court of Versailles.
Cryptonomicon readers will remember the improbably long-lived Enoch Root, who shows up occasionally to nudge the plot along. Most of the story takes place between 1655 and 1689, but it opens with Enoch in Massachusetts in 1713, interrupting Daniel's efforts to found MIT by presenting him with a summons from England. Daniel spends the next several weeks being chased around Plymouth Bay by the pirate Blackbeard, only to have his plot thread left dangling with no apologies. Either it will be picked up in the sequel, or Stephenson is attaining a new degree of sadism.
Where Cryptonomicon was about secrecy and deception, Quicksilver is about revealing the hidden and the unknown, and the free dispersal of ideas and money. Stephenson uses quicksilver as an unsubtle symbol of the scientific discovery that was beginning to percolate through the known world. He highlights the dichotomy between the religious viewpoint, of a world that began in perfect knowledge and order and has steadily decayed since the Fall, and the scientific viewpoint, of a chaotic world that is slowly being brought into order and the reach of understanding. Much of this understanding was accomplished through the efforts and correspondence of the Royal Society, which operated in a state of excitement, enthusiasm, and confidence that they would decipher the mechanisms of nature: an attitude not unlike that of the dot-com startup era, but fueled more by wonder and less by naked greed.
Lesser writers dump blocks of expository prose into the narrative; Stephenson shamelessly shovels it into his dialogue. As a result, much of the dialogue is stilted, and the banter is painfully odd. You get used to it. Some bits are more blatant than others, such as a dialogue between Waterhouse and Newton and a Jewish prism-merchant, in which Stephenson trots out a brief overview of European coinage of the time, while cycling through a catalogue of synonyms for "Jew."
So, is Quicksilver worth the effort? On the one hand, it's an insightful look at both the Scientific Revolution and the Glorious Revolution. On the other hand, it's got plague, pirates, astronomy, sex, explosions, daring rescues, religious strife, and the profound effect on European history of stockbrokers and syphilis. It's a terrific book, but don't expect it to resemble Stephenson's prior books in anything but ambition and length.
You can purchase Quicksilver from bn.com -- the official release date is September 23rd. Slashdot welcomes readers' book reviews -- to see your own review here, read the book review guidelines, then visit the submission page.
I kid because I love (Score:3, Funny)
You know, it's a good thing I love Neil Stephenson, 'cause 900 pages is not so much doorstop sized as *door* sized.
Re:I kid because I love (Score:2)
d'oh! (Score:2)
Another good hi-fi book about the Period.... (Score:3, Informative)
Can't wait to read Quickselver, though. I'll even spring for the hardcover to go next to my Cryptonomicon.
-- ac at work
Somewhat ironic summary... (Score:5, Interesting)
come on.... (Score:4, Funny)
Re:come on.... (Score:3, Funny)
It's a ridiculously contrived plot device, (Score:3, Insightful)
Unfortunately Cryptonomicon was a sci-fi novel, which implies that amazing coincidences don't happen unless there's a good reason. Overall, I thought he made some very odd choices, as compared to his earlier work like "Snow Crash" and "Diamond Age". Perha
Re:It's a ridiculously contrived plot device, (Score:3, Funny)
Re:It's a ridiculously contrived plot device, (Score:3, Interesting)
I disagree. You're forgetting the most important rule of coincidences -- context.
If the Shaftoes and Waterhouses crossed paths by running into each other at an airport bar, when one
Re:It's a ridiculously contrived plot device, (Score:2)
In the case of the novel, this is particularly true since (as you state) there were non-random factors driving the two characters toward the same geographical and social areas.
Re:It's a ridiculously contrived plot device, (Score:2)
Re:It's a ridiculously contrived plot device, (Score:2)
Two generations is definitely not far fetched. Three maybe. To give you an example - I was dating a girl who we found out later on that her mother went to high school with my mother. Now in a small town that may not be surprising but in New York?
Hence the expression "Truth is stranger than fiction".
I think it was Tolkien who commented that readers actually engage in an UNwilling suspension of disbelief. The sense of reality in a work of fiction is subject to much stronger scrutiny and skepticism than
Damn you Neal Stephenson! (Score:2, Interesting)
Re:Damn you Neal Stephenson! (Score:5, Informative)
IIRC, the series is mostly complete and each volume is being released at six month intervals.
Re:Damn you Neal Stephenson! (Score:2)
Hallelujah, Stephenson is back! (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Hallelujah, Stephenson is back! (Score:3, Insightful)
I've been waiting for this book..... (Score:2, Funny)
Re:I've been waiting for this book..... (Score:2)
Still, I found the conceptual explanation of technical subjects to be both interesting and insightful. There is no mathematical rigor behind it, but that's easy to find.
This guy needs to be a college professor in Physics & Mathematics, I'd have gone to every one of his classes and probably have a
Display some adaptability. (Score:5, Insightful)
NEw Geek bumper sticker. (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Display some adaptability. (Score:2)
Seriously...tying in with "the dilbert principle's" advice to avoid activities that are secondary to the business' core goals, I often wonder how many of what managment has us do is actually "increasing shareholder value".
C'mon, do it all the way! (Score:5, Funny)
Well, first, when IT fucked up all the networked laser printers, he'd parachute into their building, impaling himself mortally on a letter-opener on someone's desk. Then, he'd machine-gun the front-line support staff. Then, he'd lob a few grenades into the server room. Finally, for good measure, he'd jump in there himself to make sure the job got done, going out in a big ball of glory.
Now *that's* some fucking adaptability. If you're going to do it like Shaftoe, you fucking do it right, soldier.
Re:C'mon, do it all the way! (Score:3, Funny)
oh dear (Score:2, Funny)
Re:oh dear (Score:4, Funny)
Re:oh dear (Score:2)
Although, I did just pick up F-Zero this weekend (and plunked down $5 for a preorder on Super Mariop Kart: Double Dash) and I must agree that it's an excellent game.
Re:oh dear (Score:2)
I'm still reading Cryptonomicon... (Score:3, Interesting)
I enjoyed "Diamond Age" quite a bit and started in on "Cryptonomicon" shortly after finishing it, but I have to say that the characters are so complex in this book that I have trouble keeping their background straight. I do feel that once in awhile he (Stephenson) takes the character for a ride but forgets to take us along, too. That's not to say that I don't enjoy the stories; far from it. I think he's able to create quite a tapestry in his stories, and I just can't remember all of the individual threads (much like real life).
Looking forward to reading this novel when I finish "Cryptonomicon" several weeks from now.
- Leo
Re:I'm still reading Cryptonomicon... (Score:2, Interesting)
What helped is getting a small notebook that I keep rubberbanded to 'Cryptonomicon'. Every character gets a page with the highlights. It makes it easy to get back into, and I think it makes me pay more attention as a reader. Anyways, this suggestion might be helpful to you.
Re:I'm still reading Cryptonomicon... (Score:2)
Re:I'm still reading Cryptonomicon... (Score:2)
Just finished reading _Illium_, looks like Stephenson is on deck!
Some shocking statements for a '9' (Score:4, Interesting)
The 900-pages consist of a plot 'not padded so much as it is fractal' and apparently 'purely for his own amusement.'
I prefer novels written for the amusement of readers, thank you.
Lesser writers dump blocks of expository prose into the narrative; Stephenson shamelessly shovels it into his dialogue. As a result, much of the dialogue is stilted, and the banter is painfully odd. You get used to it.
After 900 pages 'you get used to it' is hardly is glowing endorsement.
Re:Some shocking statements for a '9' (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Some shocking statements for a '9' (Score:5, Informative)
I gave it a 9 because I enjoyed the hell out of it, and I think most of those who made it all the way to the end of Cryptonomicon will too. But it's also going to drive a lot of people nuts, and they should be warned; this shouldn't be anyone's first Stephenson book.
Re:Some shocking statements for a '9' (Score:2)
No, it sounds as a great review of a not so great book.
Looking forward... mostly (Score:5, Interesting)
Let's hope his research was better this time around.
Re:Looking forward... mostly (Score:4, Interesting)
Re:Looking forward... mostly (Score:5, Funny)
In episode 2F09, when Itchy plays Scratchy's skeleton like a xylophone, he strikes the same rib twice in succession, yet he produces two clearly different tones. I mean, what are we to believe, that this is some sort of a magic xylophone or something? Boy, I really hope somebody got fired for that blunder.
Re:Looking forward... mostly (Score:2)
Re:Looking forward... mostly (Score:2)
"A wizard did it."
Re:Looking forward... mostly (Score:4, Informative)
You must be new around here. .
Re:Looking forward... mostly (Score:2, Interesting)
Maybe I skipped a page or something, but wasn't there a "Bad Guy" that had a nuclear explosive implanted in him or something? so that a Good Guy couldn't fight him or shoot him or some similar contrivance?
Didn't they kill the Bad Guy later? did they ever take that thing out of him?
Hopefully I just missed it. That confused the hell out of me.
Re:Looking forward... mostly (Score:2)
Re:Looking forward... mostly (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Looking forward... mostly (Score:2)
Re:Looking forward... mostly (Score:2)
Re:Looking forward... mostly (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Looking forward... mostly (Score:5, Informative)
My sister gave a tentative thumbs-up to the general outline of Stephenson's history, and suggested that two of his source books were probably 1688: A Global History [amazon.com] by John E., Jr. Wills and Dutch Primacy in World Trade, 1585-1740 [amazon.com] by Jonathan I. Israel.
I'm so glad I don't do that for a living.
Familiar... (Score:4, Insightful)
I think Stephenson has been reading a lot of Umberto Eco (either "Name of the Rose" or "Foucault's Pendulum") recently.
Re:Familiar... (Score:2)
"Name of the Rose" is easier in that regard, but is still a very intelligent book. "The Island of the Day Before" does some weird, meta-writing stuff that I found beautiful. "Travels in Hyper-reality" is a set of non-fiction/essays that ar
Has he....? (Score:5, Funny)
a) an ending
b) a sex scene that doesn't make one cringe
At least with sex scenes, he could just leave them out since he's so obviously uncomfortable writing them. Writing a book without an ending would be tricky, though, and might invite a lawsuit from Lionel Hutts.
Re:Has he....? (Score:4, Informative)
Homer: All you can eat - Hah!
Hutz: Mr Simpson, this is the most blatant case of fraudulent advertising since my suit against the film, The Neverending Story.
Homer: Do you think I have a case?
Hutz: Now, Homer, I don't use the word "hero" very often. But you are the greatest hero in American history.
Re:Has he....? (Score:3, Interesting)
[has Stephenson learned to write] a sex scene that doesn't make one cringe
Doesn't it make you cringe when you see a lion chase and tackle and dismantle an errant zebra who couldn't escape with the rest of his herd? How about watching a snake envelope a rabbit and slowly suffocate it, then unhinge its jaw and begin swallowing it whole?
That's what makes a Stephenson sex scene so great. It's described for what it is, a guttural, instinctive, animal act.
Sure he could have sugar coated it with this talk
Not enough sex, eh? ;-) (Score:3, Informative)
a) an ending
b) a sex scene that doesn't make one cringe
At least with sex scenes, he could just leave them out since he's so obviously uncomfortable writing them.
Stephenson uncomfortable writing a sex scene? We talking 'bout the same author?
I find his sex scenes- at least the one in Cryptonomicon - classic at worst. I nearly laughed my head of. And if *you* cringe at his sex scenes, you should maybe come to think that that
You want an ending? (Score:2)
Re:In defense of Stephenson's endings (Score:2)
While I have gotten used to this, and agree that it gives you something to think about, I would at least like to know which of the major characters in Snow Crash survive the final chapters. Did Uncle Enzo win the fight? It isn't clear to me that he did or didn't.
Don't forget the German spy (Score:2)
BN Link (Score:5, Insightful)
When you embed a sourceId into the link, it is reasonably ethical to disclose who will be the beneficiary of the referral.
Re:BN Link (Score:5, Interesting)
When the article appeared on Slashdot, lo and behold, the Amazon.com link was now a Barnes and Noble, with enough info in the URL to indicate that someone was making a buck.
I believe that
Re:BN Link (Score:2)
Eh. I mean, sure, okay whatever, but you're paying the same price whether B&N gets the money or Slashdot does. If you don't want Slashdot to get money, you probably shouldn't be on their site. If you have a list of standard boycotts, and you're afraid that the author/submitter of the article is secretly working for one of them, then I'm sure you're clever enough to find the book on
Re:BN Link (Score:2)
I also think that a lot of the
Eco Book (Score:5, Insightful)
Maybe if you like this Stephenson book, you'll like that. Eco's books tend to be a little smarter than most people enjoy, however.
Re:Eco Book (Score:2, Interesting)
I agree [slashdot.org], but I wouldn't recommend "Island Of The Day Before" as an introduction to Eco's fiction. For that, I'd recommend "Foucault's Pendulum" to Geeks, and "The Name Of The Rose" to everyone else.
"Island..." I didn't care for so much.
Re:Eco Book (Score:4, Informative)
I'll pass (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:I'll pass (Score:2)
DFW (Score:4, Insightful)
Neal would be proud of you.
Re:DFW (Score:2)
Or, in a mood that's similar to Cryptonomicon, there's Thomas Pynchon's Gravity's Rainbow.
The only work of fiction that took me over a week to complete -- it took me two months --, it's a dense, hilarious, and geek-appealling book about... well, it centers on the Nazi V-2 rocket, anyway, and a certain Slothrop, whose erections predict where the V-2s will land.
Re:DFW (Score:2)
mmmm, microwaves.
900 pages? Again? (Score:3, Insightful)
two great tastes that go great together (Score:5, Funny)
Ah, yes, stockbrokers and syphilis. You just can't have one without the other.
Sample Here (Score:3, Informative)
Seems a little dry, IMO. I'll probably still buy the hardback.
Stephenson == very educated avantgardistic writing (Score:4, Interesting)
He is consequently ignored by the 'big' literature critics - allways a clear sign of quality - and still manages to fascinate and grip the fun reader and the thoughfull one alike.
Personally, I'm looking forward to this new one from him.
Re:Stephenson == very educated avantgardistic writ (Score:5, Informative)
Um, actually Stephenson's writing has been written up (from Snow Crash through Cryptonomicon) in the New York Times Book Review so I don't know what "'big' literature critics" you're talking about.
Are you talking about academic literary critique? I know for a fact that several universities (those that aren't so Canon-bound; Penn State is one) read Stephenson at the graduate level. Likewise they read PKD and detective fiction. Sure, Martin Amis hasn't written a critique of Stephenson but I bet there is some published work being done.
I assume your problem is the fact that SF is being "marginalized" as genre fiction and not accepted into the Canon along side Ulysses, Old Man and the Sea and Canterbury Tales. Well the problem is that Literary Criticism is interested in 'literature' not 'reading'. A good story is a good story, yes, but that isn't what literary study is about: it is about understanding the way people write. Style, technique, editing. Gravity's Rainbow is considered big not because it reads "well" but because of its post-modern design (i.e. the entire story is parabolic, starting with a single thread, building to a central mass, and then, simplifying at the far tail... tracing the parabolic tragectory of the V-2 rocket at the beginning and the end). For all of Stephenson's positive traits, his writing doesn't expand the landscape of literature.
Literary criticism isn't about reading good books. It's about understanding the theory of writing itself.
I still don't get cryptomoncomonmon (Score:5, Informative)
So am I interested in another 900 pages from an author without any apparent editor? No. I'm not interested in reading chapter upon chapter of stuff that has absolutely no bearing on the plot, is uninteresting in its own right, and will be forgotten as soon as the next totally unnecessary twist.
The thing that Neal seems to forget is that the essence of writing is deciding what to leave out. Until he figures that out or hires an editor that can make the decision for him, I'll pass.
Re:I still don't get cryptomoncomonmon (Score:3, Funny)
Aw, c'mon. The vignettes on eating Cap'n Crunch and the aphrodisiacal effects of granny-grade furniture are pure genius. Clearly Stephenson has far too many ideas to fit them all into the real flow of the narrative, so he takes the odd sidetrack. I like that--I enjoy these diversions immensely and hope he doesn't stop.
Check here [rd.com] or here [cliffsnotes.com] for books that maybe more your speed.
Re:I still don't get cryptomoncomonmon (Score:4, Insightful)
Look, Neal is a wanker. He wanks on for however many pages he feels like and then cuts it off sharp and sweet. But the fact is, he's the most amusing and well-written wanker writing anything today, he really has a grasp on how to write amusing and current prose. It's almost like you crossed William Gibson with a smart, funny person, because (compare: though) the style is completely different. So it may be wankery, but it's really damned entertaining.
So if you're expecting deep substance (though some deep thought obviously went into snow crash, and some care went into zodiac, and by the way the Bury books - nice marketing tactic Neal - are quite interesting) then maybe you'll want to skip this book, maybe not, certainly I can see why it would make you dislike Cryptonomicon. But it's a fast, entertaining ride, it's the kind of thing that would make a good movie for geeks. In fact I'd say the majority of Stephenson's books fit the basic requirements for a movie. They have some filler which you could strip out completely, or (much better idea) allude to. They have unique, interesting characters, though the reasons some of them are interesting are pure geek fodder, so you'd have to make them pretty people. They have chase scenes, love interests, good guys, bad guys, causes, struggles, blah blah blah.
Stephenson (Score:5, Insightful)
I also think that he pressents some interesting and worthwhile takes on politics and modern society, particularly in his portrayal of the faithful. Traditional religion and social conservatism often end up dismissed and/or mocked in scientific and technical communities, but Stephenson manages to present them in a new light and to depict a world where faith and appreciation of traditional values does not necessarily mean intolerance or being terminally lame.
Has Neal been reading jwz? (Score:2, Interesting)
Anyone else suspect a connection between Randy's wisdom-tooth episode and this [jwz.org] blog entry from Jamie Zawinski on the same subject? Or is it just my own experience with dental surgeons that makes me cringe at both of these?
Science Fiction Definitions (Score:4, Insightful)
Personally this does sound like SF. Merriam-Webster describes SF as "fiction dealing principally with the impact of actual or imagined science on society or individuals or having a scientific factor as an essential orienting component." Futuristic elements to the science is a common trait, but not a defining characteristic. So Quicksilver is pure SF just like William Gibson's Pattern Recognition is SF, even though its just dealing with meme-passing and culture creation. Heck, a caveman perfecting the flint spear with an atl-atl is SF. The interaction of man and science is the key, not the nature of the science itself.
It's not Historical Fiction if Enoch (Score:2)
stephenson endings... (Score:4, Insightful)
He flies right up to the brink and then stops the car. Apparently most slashdotties have their seatbelts on. I like to leave mine off and fly off that cliff.
He gives you so much to chew on with his endings. plenty of space for "what if..."
I always remember his books far longer than most simply BECAUSE it's not all spelled out for you in detail.
Will this make the bestseller lists? (Score:2)
I'm trying to decide if I should order from Amazon tonight.
How did Randy read Japanese plaintext? (Score:5, Insightful)
I loved Cryptonomicon, but there was one little thing bugging me. When Randy, in jail, decrypts the WWII radio transmissions that mentioned the location of Golgotha, why did that message have English plaintext? Wouldn't the Japanese have used Japanese, which Randy does not speak?
The only 3 reasons that I can think of are: 1) Mr. Stephenson didn't want to confuse the reader by switching languages, the crypto was potentially confusing enough, 2) The messages were sent by the Conspiracy, in English, and I didn't notice that in my reading, 3) Mr. Stephenson made a mistake.
Reason #2 seems most likely to me, but I didn't get that from reading. Do you, dear Shashdotters, have any insight?
Re:How did Randy read Japanese plaintext? (Score:2, Informative)
Randy was decrypting the Arethusa intercepts, which were not sent by the Japanese at all; they were sent by the Root/Von Hacklheber/Bischoff/Shaftoe conspiracy.
The Japanese were using the lesser version of that code (the name escapes me at the moment), the one Rudy weakened prior to giving it to Goring.
Re:How did Randy read Japanese plaintext? (Score:3, Interesting)
Besides, how can someone monitor a communication medium if they
NY Times review (Score:5, Informative)
ack... couldn't resist! (Score:2)
but you know what I always say... if it ain't Baroque, don't fix it!
[ducks for cover]sorry[/ducks for cover]
Good read, if you can get through it. (Score:5, Interesting)
1) If you did not (like|understand|pretend to get|claim to have read) Cryptonomicon, this is not the book for you. I can't imagine Mr. Stephenson was looking to expand his fan base with this book. This book is easily an intellectual achievement and as such, is written to satisfy an audience of 1: Neal Stephenson.
2) Generally, Stephenson's books are best after multiple readings. If you don't like reading books over again, you should steer clear of this author altogether. Quicksilver is no exception. There is a lot going on and, if the other books serve as guides, you will get more out of them a second time around.
3) After reading parts of this book you are going to want to track down articles on (wikipedia|everything2) to refresh your memory about late 17th century European history. Even so, this book is not "late 17th century European history." This is a book about 17th century hackers and, if you believe the premise, how much and how little things have changed. Either way, this book merits a Companion guide.
4) The sixth paragraph above is a pretty big spoiler. Don't read it.
5) I don't think Christina Schulman, the reviewer, (and despite the Epiphyte reference) made it through the book. The Quicksilver metaphor is important in the first book. The second and third books in the Quicksilver volume go on to other metaphors.
6) don't expect it to resemble Stephenson's prior books in anything but ambition and length. Ummm, I disagree. The parallel story line method is Stephenson's trademark, whether you are reading The Big U, the Diamond Age, or most noticeably Cryptonomicon. This book is more of what Stephenson does best, but in a very different setting.
7) Despite having a proof copy, I'm getting the hardcover of this sucker. Stephenson is worth it.
8) The Real Character puzzle from the website was only a glimpse of what was to come in the book. Given the time and effort (and application of programming skills/OCR) I don't expect to be disappointed.
Bottom line, if you're new to Stephenson, you'll want to try Cryptonomicon first. Quicksilver can be a page-turner but it is by no means a quick read. I usually fly through books but have taken over a month on this one. This book represents an incredible amount of effort and cements Stephenson's position top among the most versatile, intelligent, (Linux friendly) authors today.
Books 2 and 3... (Score:4, Informative)
HC: When can we hope to see the next volumes in the Baroque Cycle?
NS: They're coming out at six-month intervals, so April 2004 for The Confusion, and then October 2004 for The System of the World.
http://www.baroquecycle.com/interview.htm [baroquecycle.com]
Re:same price at amazon (Score:3, Informative)
here [amazon.com]
[OT]Re:same price at amazon (Score:2)
No, I'd prefer not to get spammed, period.
Re:*which* English Civil War? (Score:2)
And the American Revolution was a long, long way from a civil war by English standards. Americans, understandably, tend to estimate its importance quite highly; but from the British point of view, it was just one dirty little colonial war in
Re:*which* English Civil War? (Score:4, Insightful)
In the long long run, everybody loses. But London's turn at running the world was the most successful since Rome's.
Re:G4 (Score:4, Interesting)
Sorry this comment didn't quite rate a "+5 Funny". But it may not be that Slashdot is trying to confuse your poor little mellon. It may be more the case that in this wonderful little essay [barnesandnoble.com] Stephenson wrote about a few years back Stephenson reveals himself to have been at one time a real Apple fiend.
In it, he describes how he sadly left the Apple fold after his beloved blackbird powerbook ate a story he was working on. It was (according to him) irretrievably lost. He then embarked on a journey through other operating systems (including BeOS and WinNT)that culminated into a real enthusiasm for Linux.
But that essay was written a while ago, so maybe since the move to OS X he's come back to Apple.
Perhaps he was writing his new book on his new Apple hardware and thinking to himself "Title...title...hmmmm...what to all this wonderful new story of mine...ah-HA!"
Re:advance copy? (Score:2)
I got mine courtesy of my local Barnes and Noble - my wife works there and they had a small pile of advance copies of odds and ends. She called me around the beginning of September and asked if I had heard of this "Neal Stephenson" guy and if I was interested in this new book for free. It came
Re:Cryptonomicon sucks, anyone else agree? (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Cryptonomicon sucks, anyone else agree? (Score:2, Funny)
There, that was easy enough