Open Source Game Development 147
Boudewijn Rempt writes "Amazon's recommendation system recommended me "Open Source Game
Development: Qt Games for KDE, PDA's and Windows" when I was looking
for an introduction to OpenGL. While it does contain two chapters on
OpenGL, there's much, much more. It's not just an introduction to writing
open source games, it's a complete introduction to participating in
open source projects like KDE." Read the rest of Boudewijn's review.
Open Source Game Development: Qt Games for KDE, PDAs and Windows | |
author | Martin Heni, Andreas Beckermann |
pages | 554 |
publisher | Charles River Media |
rating | 8 |
reviewer | Boudewijn Rempt |
ISBN | 1-58450-406-4 |
summary | Complete guide on writing small to medium games for Linux, Windows and PDA's using Qt. |
As maintainer of Krita, the KOffice paint application, I need to know about graphics. Unfortunately, the four months of retraining from sinologist to Oracle Forms developer that launched me into a life of coding didn't include anything on graphics, and certainly not on OpenGL. Which is very much where Krita 2.0 is going.
So... I was looking for an easy introduction to OpenGL to kind of ease my way into the Red and Orange books. And Amazon's weird recommendations system recommended Open Source Game Development: Qt Games for KDE, PDAs, and Windows by Martin Heni and Andreas Beckermann to me. Intrigued, I ordered the volume forthwith. Turns out that that was a good move: this is an excellent book.
In the first place, the text is very clear and concise, but never dry. Forget about the ho-ho-I'm-funny chatty style that's prevalent in many technical books. This book comes to the point immediately. Then, the information is carefully ordered and the presentation very neat and clear. Those would be good points for any book.
But what makes Open Source Game Development: Qt Games for KDE, PDAs, and Windows even more interesting is that it's much more than its title indicates. It is squarely intended at the hobby coder who wants to work on what the book calls "desktop games" -- not the multi-million dollar multimedia productions that demand a new graphics card every half year, but the games that you play while thinking out a knotty problem or that have some educational value for your kids. The kind of project a single coder, or a small team can complete and maintain while still staying sane. And, of course, that kind of game, defender or zaxxon-type games, maze games or tetris-style games work are perfectly suited for pda's and mobile phones, too,
Actually, this book is the perfect introduction to joining a big Open Source project I've seen. Of course, the focus is on Qt and KDE, which means that if you always had this itch to join KDE development but didn't have the necessary skills, this book will help you get there in a very pleasant way.
One way this is done, is by always first giving a general introduction to a topic, and then more detailed discussion in the next chapter. So, first we've got a very good "Qt Primer", and three chapters "KDE Game Development", "Qt Game Development Using Microsoft Windows" and "Game Development and PDA's". And there's a chapter on "OpenGL" in general, and then a chapter on "OpenGL with Qt".
The first part of the book deals with this type of introductory material. The second part discusses "Artificial Intelligence", "Pathfinding" (this chapter was a revelation to me -- I never understood how that worked. If only I had this information while trying to write games for my ZX Spectrum!), "Particle Effects" and "Math and Physics in Desktop Games". The material in these chapters is foreshadowed by the very first chapter "Introduction to Desktop Gaming", which deals with game balancing, architecture and the ins and outs of developing free software. Armed with these chapters, you can add enough game play to your games to make them satisfying to play.
The next three chapters discussion the Qt network classes and how to use them in your games, the KGame library (free software, of course), that contains a lot of boring groundwork that's the same for most games -- players, input devices, network stuff. For me personally, the "XML" chapter wasn't that useful, but then, I'm a corporate cubby-hole programmer by day, and XML is my bread and butter. It's amazing how many billable hours XML can add to a business application project.
A very important chapter, "Open Source and Intellectual Property Rights" makes it very clear what's allowed and what not. The summary chapter, "A Practical Summary" is a novel idea -- at least, I hadn't come across something like this before -- and it works quite well, tying all strands together. There are plenty of references to earlier chapters, so if works like a kind of hands-on index. Not that the actual index isn't top-notch, too.
I should make clear that this book is not just about coding for KDE. That's what most interesting to me, but if you want to code a game for Windows, for a Qtopia or Qt/Embedded environment, then this is the right book. After all, with the release of Qt4 under GPL for Windows (Qt was already released under GPL for X11 and OS X, as was Qtopia), Qt is a good choice for Windows hobby programmers. You get a high quality toolkit that really helps with the boring ground work, and excellent documentation. Coupled with the clear text in this book, there's nothing to hold you back.
Andreas Beckermann is the author of Boson, an OpenGL real-time strategy game based on Qt and KDE. His experience in working on Boson really is apparent in this book. Martin Heni has written a couple of games that that are in KDE's games pack, and has won a prize for his QTopia game Zauralign.
Oh, and the chapters on OpenGL and OpenGL with Qt were enough to make me understand the OpenGL Krita already has and did prepare me quite adequately for the big Red and Orange books. And I've got the itch to write a little game now..."
You can purchase Open Source Game Development: Qt Games for KDE, PDAs and Windows from Slashdot welcomes readers' book reviews -- to see your own review here, read the book review guidelines, then visit the submission page.
You sold me :-) (Score:3, Interesting)
Thanks for an useful review.
A better one is Programming Linux Games, John Hall (Score:1, Interesting)
The author died recently (9th Month of 2005), and his page is still held []. To summarize his death, a new and unusual Mole formed o
Does it answer a really important question? (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:3, Interesting)
Making the game opensource does not supply people with the game content, only the engine code
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:1)
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:4, Interesting)
Yeah, the buzzword makes sense for games too, a company could make a game and give away the code while maintaining a good online game community/forums etc. Setup some servers and go!
What I would do is making open source the client, keeping the server, then, let the community improve the client and I would improve the network infraestructure, of course with the client code it would be deadly easy to replicate the server, but there is where the company would have to provide some *special* value on its servers (something like Xbox Live community).
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:3, Funny)
Yes. Isn't it clear enough?
1) The SAS (Special Air Service), Great Britian's answer to the Navy Seals, will send troops to HALO jump straight into the houses of everyone that plays your Open Source game.
2) They will then proceed to ransack the houses of said players, looting any valuables they happen to find, then they will make love to the wives of these game players for no less than a half hour after a romantic dinner at an expensive resturant, and finally they will kill anything that moves before ex
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
The other reason is that a few years in retirement can be good for a title, a character or a genre. Lara Croft and Tomb Raider is the perfect example. Fallout may be another.
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
Name at least one example of something like that ever happening...
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
That's the wrong way to counter that argument - the release of the source code for Wolf3D shows that the company is willing to show how they did the work. It is also a pattern followed through for the classic Doom series and the Quake series. In a way, it's permanently ke
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
You can thus release the "engine" under the GPL, for example, and your commercial opponents will anyway have to produce their own artworks/material for their own game, even if they use your code. This can take a year or more for a well-done job; in the mean time the engine "as it is" would probably be obsolete for a _new_ game to hit the shelves, so it isn't a big lose o
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:3, Insightful)
I really think Epic has a better understanding of this industry than random slashdotters or RMS. Epic spend years creating their Unreal 3.0 engine, and guess what, the *license* it to ot
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:1, Redundant)
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:3, Interesting)
This flies in the face of the Guild Wars model, but for the WoW model, where you pay for both the disc and the account, it can be amended so that for example, you are forced to buy a certain minimum of months of play.
In my uninformed opinion there really is no reason for pai
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:4, Insightful)
The problem here is what happened to blizzard and bnetd, but, with an Open Source client it would be trivial to create servers and you wont be doing andy "reverse engineering" thus not breaking the law.
What is needed in these cases is the company to create a "community" with some value in order to persuade people to join. (Certified servers, fast servers, some kind of updates, etc)
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:3, Informative)
you wont be doing andy "reverse engineering" thus not breaking the law.
Just a clarification: Reverse engineering is not illegal. If you've agreed to some contract that prevents you from performing reverse engineering, that's contract violation, and if the reverse engineering you do is to work around copy protection designed to prevent copying of copyrighted works, then distributing a tool that bypasses the copy protection system is illegal. Finally, if you reverse engineer something so precisely that
Clean room programs vs. music (Score:2)
Finally, if you reverse engineer something so precisely that your reversed implementation appears to be a duplicate of the original, then you may be accused of copying, which could land you in court. The notion of "clean room" reverse engineering was invented to ensure that the copyright owner had no prayer of claiming that the code was copied -- not because clean room reverse engineering is actually necessary, but because it's safer than the alternative.
That's fine and dandy for computer programs. But
Re:Clean room programs vs. music (Score:2)
What is the equivalent to "clean room reverse engineering" for open source computer game soundtracks and other music?
Good question. That seems like a common problem for music composition of any sort.
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:1)
> entirely from regular apps. If someone is paying for support for a game, then
> there's something very wrong going on. I mean, I'm all for open source software,
> but I've never been able to figure out how to code them, and still put food on
> the table. As a result, most of my games have been proprietary.
You don't do it for money. You do it for a laugh, or to learn something. It's a hobby, right? I'm learning Ja
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2, Insightful)
The money comes later when you apply for a job in the industry, and can point out some first-hand examples of what you can already do. Plus you'll have some experience already.
With my own application for a job, I've actually used my own Open Source project and website as examples for the conversation, with great success. :-) Your milage may vary off course, and I must admit I've
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:1)
Artwork is open and free.
Anti-cheat is closed and pay for/reliant on central server.
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:1)
It's not a book about how to make a commercially viable game, it's a book for the hobbyist programmer wishing to have some fun.
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
This is not always the reason for participating on open source development. However, assuming it is, note that if you want to enter the game industry as something better than a peon there is no better way than by already having the experience on your resume by joining an open source game project and having the results to show for it. That means results in the form of running code or even better, running code in distribution.
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
If society values your efforts and talents enough, they will compensate you; if they don't, then you will need to choose if you will continue to
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
Hmmm... the problem with open source is that society doesn't have any "contract" with you to compensate you. With closed source, you produce a product, and if society finds it valuable, it compensates you. Simple economics.
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
Sure, if it's open-source, someone could probably reverse engineer it and build their own server - but still, someone is going to have to pay for the hardware/software to run a big enough game world.
If the choice was between playing a free version on a game world with 20 players, vs a properly maintained cluster that could support thousands, i'm sure a lot of people would be willing to pay for the larger game world...
Just because the game client is o
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
Re:Does it answer a really important question? (Score:2)
A whole generation of programmers grew up with magazines such as, "Creative Computing", and books such as, "Basic computer Games". Why an entire kernel was created, to quote the author, "just for fun".
Two ways: (Score:2)
2.) Open source it from the start, but sell the content under a different license. Id has also (technically) done this with all of their open source games -- I'm still legally required to buy the Quake 3 game if I want the Quake 3 maps and models, though technically I could redo all that and still use
I like CrystalSpace (Score:4, Informative)
Re:I like CrystalSpace (Score:3, Interesting)
I tried some of the free engines including CrystalSpace, unfortunately (at least, last time I checked) there ARE NOT precompiled libraries or binaries of that library. I tried compiling it but I really got pissed off after two hours of trying so I threw it up.
The problem with the Open Source engines (at least in my experience) is that they are not readily available, as a game
Re:I like CrystalSpace (Score:3, Informative)
Re:I like CrystalSpace (Score:1, Redundant)
Re:I like CrystalSpace (Score:2)
Re:I like CrystalSpace (Score:2)
Maybe you need a more Universal OS [].
Re:I like CrystalSpace (Score:1)
Wasn't the review about small desktop-games, instead of going for the big projects with bigger risks they won't get anywhere?
Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:2, Insightful)
Take Boson for example.
There is no reason why Boson should be tied to KDE the way it is.
Some game programs don't utilize automake or autoconf at all.
Another problem is that some Linux game Programmers program are Windows programs who put in a minimum effort nessessary to build a Linux version.
The fact is that we need people to work on better Linux games and Engine Source ports.
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:1)
For an original game, that means you'll need a good idea (pretty rare in itself), a rudimentary (or better) engine -- that you'll have to code yourself, plus sufficiently well designed graphics and sound to get people interested.
That basically requires four separate skill sets, whereas writing a web server etc, needs at most two of those, and probably only one. And if yo
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:1, Insightful)
much like how linux gained it's foot hold in the webserver & OS market. the game industry is just a bit further behind the curve.
how much longer will 'indies' (ie small non-publisher-
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:1)
I don't know that it's
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:5, Insightful)
For some strange reason, software developers enjoy giving away their work/time without expect anything in return, but please tell any decent designer, sound fx creator or graphics drawer to give away their time just "for fun" and you wont get really a lot.
In that way, open source will NEVER compete against the big studios. The only "hope" is to make people look at less "graphic intensive" but more "fun" and innovative games. With a bit of luck, Nintendo will aim that way, but I do not have much hope
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:4, Insightful)
Coding is a very creative process, however, most of the times the results can be masured objectively. If you're making a 3D engine, you can measure how many polygons per second it moves. If someone makes a change, you can measure if it's faster and/or slower, and exactly by how much.
The same doesn't happen that often in the art side. Let's just say I create the animation of a character swinging a sword. Then someone else comes and changes the animation and makes it completely different. Suposedly both are within the parameters of the game (how long it is, the starting and ending poses), how do you define which is better?. Maybe for the other guy his animation is a lot better than mine, but for me maybe mine was better and his hurts my work (to put it in a way). Most of the times there's just not a real measurement of quality when it comes to the art side.
This is one reason (IMHO) that the artists tend to be less of a group workers than coders. Usually in 3D animated series and movies, for example, you can have hundreds of animators working at the same time, but in most of the cases each scene is animated by a single animator, and if there are several, they don't overlap (one animator does one single character on the scene, or in the case where two animators work on the same character one will do the main animation and the other the secondary movement).
In the coding side it just seems to be "ok, here's what I did, let's fix it, or try to fix it"... in the art side it seems to be more of a "ok, here's what I did, tell me what's wrong but DON'T fix it, I'll fix it myself".
Or at least that's how it look from this side of the monitor.
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:3, Insightful)
You look at them and if they both are good enough, you use them both in the game, more varity is a good thing after all. There are of course issues when an animation/model/texture doesn't fit the style of the game, but for such one simply needs a style-guide and or a lead artists doing most of the art for a project. This is really not so much different then with coding, especially with game coding, since there isn't any easy way to tell which thing is better either, esp
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:4, Insightful)
What I have found, and it is really a strange thing to me, but many projects simply do not want to accept contributions from artists. There have been a few projects that I've stepped into the mailing lists or IRC channels for and asked "hey, great game. I'm interested in contributing some artwork to the game, anyone have any ideas of things that might be particularly useful?" or simply looked at what was needed and gotten back "we don't need any more artwork/artists". A lot of times the art in these games is either bad, or a mixed bag of decent stuff and terrible stuff (not that no open source games have good artwork, but more that if a game has enough good artwork then I'm more inclined to offer to contribute to a project that seems like they could really use the contributions).
Another thing I've noticed is that one of the big goals of a lot of open source games is to be able to run on older hardware. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, but it does mean that it limits the quality of the artwork. Many commercial games are released when even a top-of-the-line gaming rig can barely get top performance, while many open source games tend to be written to run on any machine built in the last 5 or 6 years. I'm sure part of this is that not ever open source developer can afford a top of the line machine with two bleeding edge video cards (because buying one video card every 6 months for $500 wasn't draing PC gamers wallets enough apparently, they had to invent SLI) and a couple of gigs of ram.
What would be nice is some sort of site like sourceforge but for creative commons licensed artwork that open source games could make use of.
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:3, Informative)
Five years ago saw the GeForce 3 (although admittedly as the high end, not "any machine"), which is perfectly capa
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:3, Insightful)
I think the biggest problem isn't that they don't accept contributions from artists, but much more basic, most projects simply lack almost any kind of organisations. So nobody knows what needs to be done or when it should be done or even how. With engine coding that isn't to much of a problem, since everybody can just code a bit here and there and have his fun, maybe even
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:3, Informative)
Actually, it's not at all uncommon for these folks to work on indie games for free, especially when they're just starting out...the game industry is generally pretty difficult to get into without having at least a few games under your belt, and one of the most popular ways to do that is to do work for free. Many of the people doing this are, in fact, quite talente
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:3, Interesting)
I'm working on a couple of doom3 mods right now which more or less agrees with GP and disagrees with Parent. They're both single-player "total conversions", which require a significant amount of work from volunteers, since none of the assets from the original game will be used in the final product. They both use the "Walled Garden" as GP puts it: developers and content creators are welcome to join the project after demonstrating sufficent skill and motive. However, the source, and the content isn't open
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:2, Interesting)
Even today, there are so [] many [] good 3d game [] engines- but very few games. Probably because people don't find it appealing enough to make the content.
* lo
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:3, Informative)
Just look at all the free mods for popular games and you will see plenty of people are prepared to give free content, including modeling, skinning and animation.
The problem is, I think, people who do content want to see it in the game. You can get them to do it for a mod for an existing and popular game, but its going to be hard to get anyone to add content to you half complete, always being changed open source engine.
An engine without content though isn't going to interest anyone, so it's something of
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:2)
Re:Linux Games (SDL, OpenGL) (Score:2)
What, like OpenGL?
I've got a legit copy of UT2004 installed on my linux partition as well as most of the quake series, in fact I've never pirated a linux game, though I make windows game piracy an almost daily habit.
Reason? (Score:4, Interesting)
I mean, besides of the OpenGL-QT bindings you will have to do (mostly just to create a GL window to render if it is similar to SDL) there is nothing magical in the GL-QT combination. I would recommend to get a nice KDE book AND a nice OpenGL book also, as the author said, besides the blue and red books (which I personally use just for reference . Another great book for OpenGl is the OpenGL Super Bible [Sams], and you can find a bunch of KDE books including the KDE Bible.
Of course if you want to go the "student" way, there is, as I have found, PLENTY of information on all of these topics. Just get into, the Nehes tutorials are one of the best in my opinion.
Now, if looking for game development I would personally incline to SDL, which will provide you with almost everything you need like input support (joystick, mouse, etc), audio and also OpenGL.
As a last comment, could I ask the SlashDot editors do to their job and check (at least) the book reviews grammar/spelling. My native tongue is not English but it kind of hurted my eyes to read the review (which was quite nice anyway).
Re:Reason? (Score:1)
Seconded; I found these more useful than the textbooks or lectures during my computer graphics courses, at least for the OpenGL stuff.
Re:Reason? (Score:1)
Re:Reason? (Score:2)
My native tongue is not English but it kind of hurted my eyes to read the review (which was quite nice anyway).
And my commen was not [supposed to be] proof read before publishing in the front page of a very important news site.
Me comprendes?
Re:Reason? (Score:2)
Don't throw stones in glass houses.
Pot. Kettle. Black.
Those who can, do; those who can't, teach.
And here's the classic treatment from Jesus:
Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way
Sam's OpenGL Super Bible (Score:2, Interesting)
And while I'm posting (this doesn't happen of
Small is good (Score:5, Insightful)
That seems like pretty sensible advice - the phrase "game development" immediately brings to mind the big successful commercial games, but that's not the area in which open source seems capable of competing, and it is much more productive to realise that simple games can be more worthwhile to make.
As for why open source game development has problems when trying to emulate commercial game development, there was some discussion [] a while back; shamelessly reposting my comment from there:
Re:Small is good (Score:5, Informative)
There are 22141 games listed in SourceForge.
Of those, 575 (2.59%) are INACTIVE,
7637(34.5%) are in PLANNING.
6022(27.1%) are in PRE-ALPHA.
4302(19.43%) are in ALPHA
4453(20.1%) are in BETA
3592(16.2%) are in PRODUCTION-STABLE
460 (2.0%) are in MATURE.
Which does not add to 100% because some games have more than two states, however it seems there is a really high trend towards "Unfinished" games. Or as I read from some game developing book, EVERYBODY can have a good game idea, but it takes some hard effort to actually implement it, and it takes really hard nuts to finish it.
And as you said, a game is in fact FINISHED, not like said, OpenOffice, which will never be "finished", with games you can only make bugfixes, but a new game version is something completely different.
Re:Small is good (Score:2)
Forgive me for not walking through the rest, but games aren't *that* far away from the average; other ways of slicing the data set would show above-average completion.
My point is that in your phrase:
EVERYBODY can have a good game idea, but it takes some hard effort to actually implement it, and it takes really hard nuts to finish it.
the word "game" is extraneou
Re:Small is good (Score:1)
The numbers are quite disheartening. In many ways, in fact. What frustrates me is how many one-man, burst-of-effort projects one sees. One wonders how many good ideas died for lack of re-inforcing enthusiasms.
There, are, however, complications to a stastical analysis based on one development site - even a high-profile site like sourceforge. Some projects exist in many places at once - sourceforge, freshmeat, happypenguin,, linuxgames, berlios, web presence, etc. According to Sourceforge
Re:Small is good (Score:2)
Re:Small is good (Score:2)
As new content is developed or old content is revamped, it is added to the mix on a continuous basis.
In fact, for open source games a pay-to-play model would probably work better than attempting to make a living on shrink-wrapped one-offs.
Actually, it could be argued that the idea of 'shrink-wrapped' software in general is on the way out as the n
Why should games be "finished"? (Score:2)
The only reason why games are ever "finished" is because proprietary software companies want to put them into a box and release them, but even in the proprietary games industry, you still see companies releasing mission packs, which are
Re:Small is good (Score:1)
3d engine resources (Score:3, Interesting)
I've recently took an intro course to GL and for a project written an MD3 (quake3 mesh animated model) renderer in Qt (bindings are easy and well documented with "Qt Assistant"). I've wanted to increase my knowledge of GL over the summer by building a relatively primitive rendering engine in C++, and perhaps evolving it over the course of the next few years. I'm considering starting with an importer for Quake3 maps (BSP trees). Ultimately I'd like to build something similar to (of course I'm sure much less advanced) that of the Irrlicht engine [].
I've read through the Red Book [] and have already bought the Superbible []. Has anyone any other resources which might help me design and build such a system?
Re:3d engine resources (Score:2, Informative) [] basic's [] Game programming [] OpenGL programming/game site
Re:3d engine resources (Score:2, Informative)
watt&watt: Advanced Animation and Rendering Techniques
Re:3d engine resources (Score:2)
SDL rocks for cross platform game developement (Score:1, Informative)
XPilotNG (5 stars on Tux games) _id=13411&package_id=15770 []
Works on just about everything , but there are packages for Linux / Windows and Mac OSX.
If you're considering writing an OSS game (Score:5, Insightful)
It's sad looking at the large number of games that have shown promise but for one reason or another have been abandoned or development has slowed or forked. We really don't need another nethack clone, MMORPG or 3D engine. We have all of those in abundance. What we need now is to build on these, both with shader code and good content. It's often easy to tell the OSS games from the commercial ones from a single screenshot because the commercial studios have good artists and the OSS devs don't (I am being overly broad here and there are exceptions such as Frozen Bubble, but these are rare).
One not-quite example: I am a fan of the excellent OSS flight simulator FlightGear. The latest version 0.9.10 has some nice ground textures and real-world data that makes for a truly beautiful view when flying at 30,000 feet. But the planes themselves look like crap. The model detail and decals are average but what really lets it down is the way the plane interacts with light. The engine is badly need of work to take advantage of OpenGL shaders. And the sky looks completely wrong. As you ascend beyond 50,000 feet you should see the sky darken to a very deep blue with some stars becoming visible but the engine doesn't allow for this (you're basically inside a big solid-blue sphere). Not vital properties for learning to fly a 747 I know, but still important polish for a realistic flying experience.
If you have a truly original idea then by all means start from scratch if nothing existing fits the bill, but don't just fire up a text editor and start another MMORPG from scratch. The OSS gaming community don't need it.
While we're making suggestions (Score:1)
Re:While we're making suggestions (Score:2)
Re:If you're considering writing an OSS game (Score:2)
Re:If you're considering writing an OSS game (Score:2)
Anyone have a preferrred isometric game engine? (Score:1)
I'm not into sidescrollers or FPS, but I love isometric RPG and adventure games (even wrote one back in the day, and always itching to do so again).
Re:Anyone have a preferrred isometric game engine? (Score:2) []
A lot of unpolished graphics on there, but the chess shot is kind of more where i want to go graphics-wise (i'm also doing a battle-chess type remake).
I'm really torn on this (Score:2)
It's clearly a Slashvertisement. But it teaches people how to contribute to open source projects.
Slashdot, help! How do I feel about this?
Re:I'm really torn on this (Score:2)
Re:I'm really torn on this (Score:2)
Re:I'm really torn on this (Score:2)
Re:I'm really torn on this (Score:2)
I think the GP was joking
Yeah, I was just kidding. I just thought it was kind of funny that the main page had a pretty clear advertisement on it, which a lot of slashdotters dislike. But the product was open-source friendly. Seemed like a goofy kind of a quandary to me. Sort of like watching a lawyer go off a cliff - but in your car.
Stop Making Engines, Start Making Content (Score:3, Insightful)
"Programmer art" should not be a derogatory term for content whipped up by non-professionals.
Re:Stop Making Engines, Start Making Content (Score:1)
Re:Stop Making Engines, Start Making Content (Score:2)
What's the difference? (Score:2)
I like to keep the actual software the player uses (the engine) absolutely as compact as possible, which means I spend a lot of time writing software that gets used in production only. For example: our tool chain supports all kinds of image formats for asset creation, but the data actually used by the engine is always in platform specific formats, and
Re:Stop Making Engines, Start Making Content (Score:2)
Re:Stop Making Engines, Start Making Content (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:Stop Making Engines, Start Making Content (Score:3, Insightful)
Small to medium games (Score:2)
Tools and Freedom to Express Content (Score:2)
Before you start calling me a lazy a-hole, take the analogy of the GUI. GUIs are what made computers of ANY kind a tool usable by anyone. Prior to GUI, idiots like me struggled with comma
Re:ISBN is incorrect (Score:2)
1584503718 is "GNU/Linux Application Programming" by M. Tim Jones.
Re:Some Open Source Games (Score:2)