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Linux Toys 226

Alex Moskalyuk writes "Remember those 'how-to' and 'home improvement' books that you enjoyed reading as a little kid? In the first half of the last century there was a variety of books, with names like 'Boy Mechanic' or '1,000 Projects for a Boy,' which would give a teenager a variety of projects to work on productively. Building bird houses, creatively reusing helmets from World War I, and later different projects that had to do with radio and transistors - in the pre-television age all that guaranteed some creative time for geeks (whether kids or adults) and allowed them pick up skills, necessary perhaps in real life." Alex reviews below a book that fills a similar niche for the present day, outlining all 13 projects in Linux Toys: 13 Cool Projects for Home, Office and Entertainment. Whether you'd consider all of the projects toys is up to you.
Linux Toys: 13 Cool Projects for Home, Office and Entertainment
author Chris Negus. Chuck Wolber
pages 360
publisher John Wiley & Sons
rating 9/10
reviewer Alex Moskalyuk
ISBN 0764525085
summary Variety of Linux-based projects for home, business or just for fun

Things changed in 21st century, so what's a geek to do? As for the household products, you can probably always get stuff cheaper at Wal-Mart than build it yourself. Radio-related projects just don't seem that much fun anymore, since there's little sense of discovery.

Linux Toys is just the book that fills that void.

What's covered

Chris Negus (author of the Red Hat Linux Bible) and Chuck Wolber (from Tacoma LUG) came up with 13 different projects that one can do at home. All of them require a PC running Linux (the authors use and recommend Red Hat Linux 9, since that's the environment where the projects have been tested) and a variety of hardware (including none besides the PC), depending on which project you decide to go with. What are the projects? The entire listing is at the book's Web site, but here's a list of all thirteen with short descriptions of what's accomplished in the end (not necessarily in the same order as the chapters):

  1. Digital Picture Frame: excellent endeavor if you have an old useless laptop with nice LCD screen lying around. The book has detailed step-by-step guide with pictures on how to turn an old laptop into a fancy picture frame playing a slideshow of digital images stored on the hard drive locally or uploaded from network (in case the old laptop has a network card and you decide to keep it when assembling the picture frame). By the way, these things do cost a lot commercially, while P200 and lower laptops are virtually free.
  2. Arcade Game Player: how to turn an old computer with a good monitor into the arcade game player running XMame. Your house guests can then use joystick to play Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, Asteroids at your next Blast from the Past party.
  3. Digital Answering Machine: using the Red Hat Linux box as an answering machine that listens for incoming telephone calls (via vgetty), converts the voice messages into digitally compressed sound files and notifies the receiver about new voice message via e-mail.
  4. Home Music System: have an old PC with fairly large hard drive and some good home entertainment speakers? This project allows the reader to build a jukebox used to play Ogg Vorbis files. The authors use ltJukebox and freedb for music management and information retrieval. The ltJukebox software (which comes with the book's CD) automatically rips the music CDs into .ogg files, though digitizing your collection (if you haven't done it yet) might take a while. After that, however, a standalone computer nicely tucked somewhere in the room behind the speaker system can provide for hours of music. And if you plug it into the network, you'll have the ability to change settings and playlists via telnet.
  5. Home Video Archive: ever wanted to digitize your VHS collection? This chapter uses ffmpeg and nvrec for capturing and xawtv for adjusting television input. The authors then use Hauppauge WinTV Go and WinTV Theater TV capture card and then record the videos off the TV input into an AVI file. The resulting file is then burned to a CD/DVD (still using Linux tools) as well as into the VCD format that's recognized by most DVD players.
  6. Personal Video Recorder: ever dreamed of cutting TiVo's market share with your own devices? Well, perhaps, maybe within just one market -- your house. The authors use the same nvrec utility to record the TV input, XmlTV and WebVCPlus for downloading the data on television shows and using Web interface to choose the ones you would like to record. Unlike TiVo though, this home-built digital PVR can only play the recorded shows on a Linux PC in AVI format, but if you followed the previous project, you can burn the resulting file into VCD format.
  7. Providing dial-up access: this basic project is perhaps familiar to all those who bear the title Network Administrator or used to work for an ISP, but for beginners in the field (and especially for beginners with Linux) it provides a detailed step-by-step plan on how to setup your own dial-up server and become a small ISP. A computer permanently connected to the Internet with a static IP is required for this project.
  8. Web hosting business: assuming that a computer with static IP address from the previous project and a domain name are available, this project takes the reader through the details of becoming a Linux hoster. This project is especially interesting, since it's applicable to those who have pretty good knowledge of the OS. Numerous online how-to's and manuals take you through separate processes, like adding user accounts, configuring Apache, setting up disk quotas, but few are "turnkey" solutions, where after closing up the book on the last page you can start the hosting business right away.
  9. Home network with a Linux box: rather detailed description of properly configuring iptables, NAT, as well as DHCP and Samba servers to run the home network with a Red Hat Linux 9 box as a server with the firewall and various Linux/Windows clients connecting to it.
  10. Video streaming server: set up a camcorder, Web cam or security camera to broadcast the video to the Internet. The authors use a camcorder and ffserver software to stream the video.
  11. Temperature Monitor: here a temperature sensor kit from DigiTemp needs to be purchased and connected to the telephone cable, which, in turn, will connect to the parallel port. Apparently the ordering page is down as of writing this review, but DigiTemp developer uses Dallas Semiconductors temperature sensors. Then the software provided with the book (ltweather) allows you to look at the current temperature, log it consistently and display it on a Web page if needed.
  12. Linux and some games on a single floppy: re-using that 3.5'' drive for something practical is the purpose of this project. Although the result - single-floppy with some essential Linux and character-based games on it, can be hardly practical in the modern world, perhaps it's worth playing with just to see how little you need to get the whole OS going from scratch.
  13. Controlling RC cars from Linux: if you have a large collection of RC cars (and according to the spam messages I am getting, they're the hottest trend this Christmas), there's a variety of things you can do when suddenly instead of using the remote control you engage a Linux PC. Unattended races, testing your AI algorithms for entering DARPA autonomous vehicle challenge, writing some complex artificial life, where species of all sorts can see how well they can survive in a crowded world. The authors use a LynX-PORT board, a fairly expensive, but according to the authors, quite useful I/O board that could be re-used for all sorts of projects.

The Book

With 274 pages of useful information (excluding the cover pages), the book creates a very favorable impression. The writing is clear and succinct; each chapter follows the same structure with an overview of the project first, the list of things needed for the project second, a step-by-step guide third, some additional information for those willing to go further fourth, and summary of the project fifth. Each step that requires interaction with a Linux box has the exact command-line instructions spelled out, no matter how basic. (On page 44, for example, the authors provide the mount /mnt/cdrom command, even though knowledge of this step is expected of a Linux user at the command line). Where interaction with the GUI is required, a screenshot is provided. The Troubleshooting section explains what might go wrong with a Red Hat Linux 9 box and how to react to it.

Furthermore, there is no dependence on previous chapters, making each project independent. You will not be told to "start up the video capturing as you have learned in the previous chapter" or refer to "previously described procedures". Theoretically, you could rip out the pages for a single project and give them to someone with no previous knowledge of the project and expect them to complete it.

Pictures are indispensable. Granted, they wouldn't be very useful for the Linux on a Floppy project, but for something like a digital picture frame, where you're required to disassemble an old laptop and play with the parts, it's essential. The pictures are all black-and-white, and by "pictures" I mean real photographs, not diagrams explaining how things should be done in theory.

The authors' sense of humor permeates the book, which makes it an enjoyable read. For example, on page 255, when completing the Linux RC toy car project, the photo of the race has a caption about every Linux car crossing the "Finnish" line. (Tip: Linus didn't always live in California). The layout of the book also makes it convenient to read and follow. A bar across the top of the page always tells you which project you're on. When enumerating the things required for the project, the authors use bulleted lists with clear explanations.

Another thing worth mentioning is the book's integration with the Web. The book's Web forums allow you to post questions and impressions from each specific project. The authors are also accepting submissions for new Linux Toys from the readers. The Web site in this sense is remarkable, as with too many technical books the so called "companion Web site" is not truly a companion, but a marketing pitch followed by a bookstore link.

Overall, I think Chris Negus and Chuck Wolber have done a very nice job. If I had more time, I would explore more of the projects personally (so far I am started on rebuilding my home network, but I do want to try out the digital picture frame, being a proud owner of Compaq LTE P100 laptop). The book would be a good read for anyone looking for some cool hobby projects, and perhaps would be a good gift for technically inclined kids, who are interested in technology.

Speaking from a different perspective, Linux Toys is the book needed by the open source community. While the usual arguments of being able to look at the OS's source code and concepts of Free software only vaguely interest most individuals, a book like this would spark interest in Linux OS as providing the opportunities to create a variety of cool toys and have fun doing it.

Read more of Alex's reviews of technical and tech business books. You can purchase Linux Toys: 13 Cool Projects for Home, Office and Entertainment from Slashdot welcomes readers' book reviews -- to submit a review for consideration, read the book review guidelines, then visit the submission page.

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Linux Toys

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  • Mp3elf (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @01:38PM (#7796275)
    mp3elf [] is pretty cool. Open source design documents / diagrams, too.
    • Re:Mp3elf (Score:3, Informative)

      by Kenja ( 541830 )
      So wait, it costs more then an off the shelf network MP3 player and you have to put it together? Where's the fun in that?
      • For most of us putting it together is the actual fun part.

      • It is apparent that the WHOLE REASON THIS ARTICLE EXISTS is lost on you.

        You apparently do not like to build anything, not just simply take something apart. There is no challenge in that. Just make sure you have no left over pieces at the end?

        Personally I believe most of us here would rather build something ourselves and hope that you got it all right on the first try. That is what is fun.
  • meh (Score:5, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @01:38PM (#7796279)
    "it provides a detailed step-by-step plan on how to setup your own dial-up server and become a small ISP."

    how 1994.
    • Re:meh (Score:3, Interesting)

      by b17bmbr ( 608864 )
      actually, this is very important. let me give yo a few reasons. not the least is that broadband has about 10-20% market, so 80% + are still dialing up.

      one, at a school that has a fast connection, it would be great to offer students who don't have internet access at home the ability to log on...(this is a project i tried for a few years to get going, but district politics...arghhh). two, many times you go on vacation (and don't have an AOL coaster, er, CD handy.) you call home for 4-5 minutes at midnig
      • Re:meh (Score:4, Funny)

        by Total_Wimp ( 564548 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @02:38PM (#7796813)
        Not to mention setting up your home broadband connection to allow you dial-up from your grandma's house when you go to visit her.

        Why would you want to download porn on your g-ma's AOL account? Isn't she in trouble enough from all those MP3s you downloaded?

  • age? (Score:5, Funny)

    by Savatte ( 111615 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @01:39PM (#7796287) Homepage Journal
    Remember those 'how-to' and 'home improvement' books that you enjoyed reading as a little kid? In the first half of the last century...

    I think you vastly overestimate the average age here on /.
    • Re:age? (Score:5, Interesting)

      by A55M0NKEY ( 554964 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @01:46PM (#7796350) Homepage Journal
      I don't think he does overestimate the average /.-er age. Think about it: the project books that you read probably came from a dusty old bookshelf or from your local public library and were written pre-1960. Any new project books had crappy projects because they didn't want to get sued. The books from the first half of the 20th century had the really neet Van-Der-Spark generators and the X-Ray machine plans ( COOL! I can make my own X-Ray machine! All I need is copper pipe - check, tons of wire - check, a vacuum tube - check, tin foil - check, a distributer cap from a Model T - Bummer.. )
      • Re:age? (Score:2, Funny)

        by jaciii ( 152053 )
        Distributer cap for a Model T. logmain.htm~main
        Post pics of the x-ray machine when you finish it.
      • I remember that in the late 70s my HS had a book of experiments from Scientific American's "Amateur Scientist" columns from the 30s through 50s.

        I had played with model rockets powered by Estes rockets. Model rocket engines that now fall under terrorism regulations even though they're pretty small. This book discussed turning a metal rocket engine bell on a lathe, mixing your own chemicals for the propellant and pouring it it into the metal fuselage, etc.

        On the one hand that's madness. It's one thing to
    • Re:age? (Score:2, Interesting)

      by Doug Dante ( 22218 )
      My dad had one of those books of projects for the great outdoors.

      It included instructions on creating your own Tepee and lounge chairs made of rows of freshly cut saplings.

      We would have had to clear an acre of forest to complete that project.
      • Yeh, one of my favorite books as a child was a similar book that had several outdoor survival type projects and also several plans for rudimentary firearms.
      • Check out the Foxfire series sometime. It's got everything you need to live in the deep Ozarks, including instructions on "running 'shine" and "hidin' from them rev'nooers." I think there's about a dozen books in the series. Some really interesting American folklore for those of you who never get out of the city.
    • Whatever 111615 -- Did you inherit that account? Or are you trolling for teenz?
  • by malfunct ( 120790 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @01:41PM (#7796312) Homepage
    The key to making the first books listed interesting to the parents of the geeks was that the projects were quite cheap to work on and used scraps from around the house. Unfortunately the linux projects use very expensive scraps that a majority of people don't have. I think that its very cool stuff but it is the sort of thing that I think most kids will only get to read and drool over because thier parents won't have the supplies to complete the projects.

    As far as buying the supplies surplus it seems that the people that have them readily available think they are gold and want around $100 to $500 for the apparant junk. It would be cool if you could collect the stuff on its way to the landfill however and use it. Thats where I got a lot of my computer pieces before I had money.

    • I don't know. Most families (at least all my aunts and uncles) have upgraded in the past couple years. Usually they send me their old gateway junk forcing me to trash it. If my little cousins had this book maybe they'd give them the old box. Maybe after building the family a no-cost-to-them Freevo [] they might loosen the purse strings and fork over a couple hundred on an eBay machine in hopes of another family enchancer.

      Damn this article for coming out AFTER my families' Christmas. Maybe I'll stock up for ne

  • by kjba ( 679108 )
    All of them require a PC running Linux (the authors use and recommend Red Hat Linux 9, since that's the environment where the projects have been tested) and a variety of hardware (including none besides the PC)


    11. Temperature Monitor: here a temperature sensor kit from DigiTemp needs to be purchased and connected to the telephone cable, which, in turn, will connect to the parallel port.


    13. ...The authors use a LynX-PORT board, a fairly expensive, but according to the authors, quite useful I/O bo

    • I think what he was saying was that some of the projects don't require additional hardware. Why would he say that they require "a variety of hardware" if all you needed was a PC?
    • I think perhaps the reviewer awkwardly phrased the last part of this sentence. When they said "(including none besides the PC)" it may have been interpreted as meaning: you don't need anything other than the PC to run all of these projects. What I think the reviewer actually meant was: "(including some projects where all you need is the PC)."

      Have you noticed that you can't spell "awkwardly" without "awk"?
    • You've failed your reading comprehension check. Please reread the article and try again.

  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @01:44PM (#7796334)
    SCO Toys: 13 Cool Lawsuits for Home,Office, and Entertainment.

    With Backward by Darl McBride
  • Evolution (Score:5, Insightful)

    by TimTurnip ( 560651 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @01:47PM (#7796353) Homepage
    What I find most catching is the comparison between this book (more or less, toys for uber geeks), and books of last century that taught kids how to build things like birdhouses. Sure, they both let kids do fun things...but the former title encouraged kids to do something OTHER than sit on their asses. Yes, I'm a geek...but I'm comfortable with tools and physical labor; I owe that to my parents who FORCED me to go outside as a kid. I know too many guys and gals my age, who share my interests in computers, whose legs would have atrophied if the pizza delivery guy actually came IN the house. I bet the book is fun. But I'll also bet that it's no substitute for teaching "geeks" how to build birdhouses...
    • I actually have a small collection of books from that era. There were some fairly dangerous projects that were published in those pre-lawsuit-happy days. Spot welders, arc welders, melting down zinc and hot galvanizing your own stuff, making an air gun, making boomerangs, reloading shotgun shells...etc.
    • But I'll also bet that it's no substitute for teaching "geeks" how to build birdhouses...

      Good Lord, man! Did you learn nothing from "The Breakfast Club"?

    • but I'm comfortable with tools and physical labor
      Really now. Dad has to have a garage, some 'spare' lumber, nailes/glue, power tools (table-saw/plainer/jig-saw/hole-saw/router), paint/stain, brushes, clamps, drop cloths....,....,.... too make a bird house. Not to mention a garage, basement or yard.

      Do you think those things cost more than some old, virtually free hand me down techno-trash for the interested Geekish family?

      Dont get me wrong, i am currently renovating a 100+ year proletarian brown-stone
  • It's Wolber (Score:5, Informative)

    by chuckw ( 15728 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @01:49PM (#7796373) Homepage Journal
    My last name is spelled *WOLBER*, not *WOBLER*...
    • Re:It's Wolber (Score:2, Interesting)

      by prostoalex ( 308614 )
      I am sorry, looks like I got it right in the book description box, but then misspelled it through out the review.
  • by manganese4 ( 726568 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @01:50PM (#7796377)
    Given what I have seen dropped off on days when the local recycler let people bring in used electronics for proper disposal (you would be surprised as to amount of hazardous waste in a computer or dvd player) there should be plenty of boxes sitting in people's garages. Put those local scout troops to good use. phase out the pinewood derby and see who could build the fastest single floopy version of lunar lander or that old star trek game. If we let them use a 64 mb usb drive, they could make it networkable.
  • By the way, these things do cost a lot commercially, while P200 and lower laptops are virtually free.

    Where do you find a P200 with a decent wide-angle TFT screen that hasn't got the fluorescent tube dimmed out/grayed up/flickering??

  • by acomj ( 20611 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @01:53PM (#7796408) Homepage
    I've been thinking of the Laptop picture frame program for a bit. I was going to code one up over the holidays using java. I never thought of loading linux but am curious how well those odd video cards in notebooks are supported?
  • by daviddennis ( 10926 ) <> on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @01:56PM (#7796435) Homepage
    One of the projects in the book is an answering machine/IVR/voice mail system.

    It made me wonder if there is there any free or inexpensive Linux software, even highly experiemental, for taking a voice file and producing a crude translation to text?

    I notice that IVR systems nowadays aren't bad at translating "David Dennis" to my extension, so surely we should be able to translate speech to text.

    I really, really, really, really hate listening to voice mails, so it would be so cool to do an answering machine that would create that. I know the project in the book can do text to speech, but speech to text, even crudely, seems a lot more interesting.



  • Providing dial-up access? Web hosting business? Home network with a Linux box???!!!

    Wow, what marvelous and exciting toys for a growing boy's mind. Clearly their editor wanted 13 "toys", and things got a little hairy towards the end, where they dump in extra hardware, etc.

  • "Remember those 'how-to' and 'home improvement' books that you enjoyed reading as a little kid? In the first half of the last century there was a variety of books, ... Building bird houses, creatively reusing helmets from World War I..."

    Some of us were born in the 70's - 80's bub.
    • Re:Do you remember (Score:3, Insightful)

      by GigsVT ( 208848 )
      I was born in the 70s and still read such books. Older books of experiments and projects for kids are much much better than the modern stuff. I guess people are too afraid of being sued to publish anything exciting.
  • by Anonymous Coward on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @02:01PM (#7796477)
    Here are the projects:
    1. Managing graveyards
    2. Payroll for gravediggers
    3. Computerized coffins
    4. Email from beyond the grave
    5. Epitaph generators
  • by futuresheep ( 531366 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @02:03PM (#7796486) Journal
    The Ceiva digital picture frame is $149.95 with a $25.00 rebate.

    Product Page []

    The frame dials into the Cieva site and gets it photos from there based on the ID of the Frame. Charges for this are about $3.00-$8.00 per month or so. It's 5x7 frame, and works great for any of you that want your tech-unfriendly grandmother to see new photos of her grandkids.

    • Could you imagine the shock granny would get when your kid's punk friends deciede to upload something besides the picture of your xmas tree?
    • Charges for ceiva are $8 to $14 US per month, with a several percent discount on buying a year's subscription. That's not chicken feed, but it's manageable. There is assuredly no $3 monthly fee. Just bought two of them for my kids' non-techie great-grandmas.

      Oh, and there's a fledgling linux-on-ceiva project that was my last enticement: I figured if granny didn't like it, I'd rip the guts out of it and make it mine.

      For me, the ceiva 'Weatherchannel' with a 3-day localized forecast was the coolest thing
  • by chuckw ( 15728 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @02:06PM (#7796516) Homepage Journal
    Thanks Alex for the nice review. I'm glad you liked the book and that you find it useful. I'm also happy that you received the book in the hacker spirit that it was written.

    We spent a lot of time working on the projects to get them just right for nearly every situation, so the instructions are very accurate. If you find a variation that doesn't work, be sure to submit it to us over at the website [].

    If you don't mind, I have two corrections to your review:

    1) My last name is spelled WOLBER (as noted in a previous post).
    2) (SHAMELESS PLUG) I spend the majority of my time at my business [] rather than the LUG [] :)
  • by Eberlin ( 570874 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @02:10PM (#7796546) Homepage
    TechTV did a bit a while back on some form of digital answering machine. Leo was designing a Linux box with vgetty to replace They Might Be Giants' "Dial-A-Song" machine.

    For those that don't know, some public libraries offer a Dial-A-Story function for kids where they call up a local number and a recording plays a story that gets changed weekly or so.

    I was trying to follow it as we are looking to implement something similar for an aging system that uses 8-track. I figure a low-cost, stable, low-maintenance, little-fuss system should do the trick for a public library.

    Leo's hangup (apologies for the bad pun) was on tracking down a compatible voice modem to work with vgetty. I lost the trail since then.

    Does any retail outlet sell compatible stuff or is it really a treasure hunt for one of those voice modems that work well with vgetty?

    I figured it could be a cool thing to introduce Linux to a library that has seen nothing but MS products (thanks to a grant from the B&M Gates Foundation).
    • If you can swing $99 then this [] might be something to check out. I use one very sucessfully with the asterisk open source PBX [] and it does quite well. To do what you want to do the configuration is quite trivial also. You would have to supply the audio source in either mp3 or gsm audio and could even create a simple menu that would allow them to select a story to hear.
  • Cool (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Anonymous Coward
    Reminds me of Control Things with Your Timex Sinclair by Robert Swarts.
  • by chickenwing ( 28429 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @02:12PM (#7796562) Homepage
    I wasted a couple weeks setting up a Linux voice mail system at work. Looking at the VOCP website, it seemed like an easy proposition, but it was quite a challenge to find a modem that actually worked with vgetty. In the end the Zoom 2949C and some hacking on the vgetty tools got the system working.

    The system is kind of cool though. You can set it up to email an ogg or mp3 to the voicemail box owner.

    It also seemed to confuse the telemarketers too, before installing the system, we got several calls a day, now we get one or two a week.
    • Why didn't you just use Asterisk []?

      Asterisk is an AWSOME PBX system that doesn't get mentioned enough on /.

      It's supported features [] are equivalent to a PBX costing several thousand bucks. Including support for VOIP and T-1(E-1)'s

      Some of the other features include Voicemail, Conference calling, Caller ID, an Auto Attendant (press 1 for sales, 2 for support,), Call Queuing (for call centers), Call Detail Records, more []

      The documentation is a little sparse but they are currently working on the
      Asterisk Han []
  • Whee! (Score:3, Insightful)

    by superdan2k ( 135614 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @02:17PM (#7796605) Homepage Journal
    Wow! I can spend hours beating my head against a computer screen trying to turn a Wintel box loaded with Linux and extra NICs into a router...OR I could do the cost-effective thing and go buy a cheap-assed LinkSys router for $40 ($60-$80 if I want wireless), and get everything up and running in 1/10th the time.

    Note: I'm not trying to bash on Linux...I'm just trying to point out that there are better ways to skin a cat.
    • Re:Whee! (Score:5, Insightful)

      by pavon ( 30274 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @02:30PM (#7796728)
      Since when did this site become News for Consumers, Stuff that's Easy? There is an imposter among us - someone call the geek police!

      Seriously if you don't concider building things (electronics, software, whatever) fun, then you are not a nerd.
    • which is, to do things *yourself*, no matter how long it takes. The book isn't '13 projects to make you rich quickly' or '13 projects to save you time'.
    • Re:Whee! (Score:3, Informative)

      by buss_error ( 142273 )
      Wow! I can spend hours beating my head against a computer screen trying to turn a Wintel box loaded with Linux and extra NICs into a router...OR I could do the cost-effective thing and go buy a cheap-assed LinkSys router for $40 ($60-$80 if I want wireless), and get everything up and running in 1/10th the time.

      Those are toys, not real routers. Fine for many SOHO uses, but not useful for real routing needs, while on the other hand using some nics, fast serial cards, and a linux box with IPTABLES can be (no

    • Re:Whee! (Score:3, Insightful)

      by xchino ( 591175 )
      Perhaps you don't understand, but there is a huge difference b/w what your crappy $40 linksys can do and what a Linux router can do. There are very advanced features that can be implemented with a linux based router that are not present in ANY consumer grade gateway/firewall. I've yet to see anything that costs less than $5000 support advanced Quality of Service options such as Class Based Queing. Apart from that, you have an ability to install any software on your Linux router. I don't see LinkSys's runnin
  • Although the result - single-floppy with some essential Linux and character-based games on it, can be hardly practical in the modern world,

    Impractical? The reviewer must be quite young, or i'm just a dinosaur. Personally i quite enjoyed those "character-based games" (though i prefer to call them Text Adventures). In the days of FPS and classic literary works being turned into movies, perhaps some ppl lack imagination.


    All in all, looks like an interesting read. :o)
  • by nathanroberts ( 69122 ) <> on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @02:19PM (#7796628) Homepage
    I'm a bit of a talk radio junkie. A couple years back I put together something that would record a local talk radio station 24/7. Basically it was a radio plugged into the soundcard of an old P120, which recorded it into 16kbps MP3s.

    I wrote a quick-and-dirty program that would record from the soundcard, pipe the output into LAME, and break it up into 1-hour chunks. Later versions were a bit more sophisticated, using liblame instead of piping to a separate LAME process, and using libshout to send the output to a shoutcast server on localhost live.

    There were also a couple cleanup shell scripts that would delete old files when the drive began to fill.

    But probably the most interesting part was, it was web-accessible. I had a few quick-and-dirty CGI scripts that would make an HTML index of the files, and provide links to the files, and also links to .m3u files that would stream in WinAmp or whatever when you clicked on them.

    Rather than create an .m3u file for each mp3, I just wrote a CGI script that would automatically generate an .m3u file on the fly, and scriptaliased it to an appropriate regex that would call it when an .m3u file was requested. That way the browser really thought it was downloading an .m3u file, instead of a .cgi file or something.

    Of course, I find out much later that mod_rewrite would probably have been a cleaner way to do it.

    Naturally it had NFS and SMB access as well, so I could just pull up a show from any of my Linux or Windows machines over the network.
  • where? (Score:3, Funny)

    by Suppafly ( 179830 ) <`ten.ylfappus' `ta' `todhsals'> on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @02:19PM (#7796629)
    Where does everyone get these free/ dirt cheap p200 class laptops? The only laptop I ever got for free was a broken p133 and I had to trade a semester worth of cobol homework assignments for it.
  • by mr_lithic ( 563105 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @02:32PM (#7796745) Homepage Journal
    The machines and projects in The Boy Mechanic: 700 Things for Boys to Do were fun to read but no one with an ounce of sense would ever try to construct them.

    Some classics:

    Fourth of July Fun - aka Pipe Bombs for the Feeble of mind

    Classic Glider - They don't tell you that the original model killed the inventor Otto Lilienthal in 1896

    How to manufacture Hydrogen or Acetylene for more explosive fun!

    Thankfully today we only have idiots with the Anarchists CookBook in pdf format.

    • Classic Glider - They don't tell you that the original model killed the inventor Otto Lilienthal in 1896

      When I get on a commercial jet, they don't tell me that many people who flew on early planes were killed. It's pretty irrelivant, since designs have improved just a bit over the past 100 years.
  • I've been questing for a digital picture frame for ages. Had an Audrey, got it working, but never found a place for it due to the extra space ethat the wireless adapter took up.

    My latest project was to hide the old laptop behind the tv and connect it up to one of the video in ports. Not the same thing as an always-on picture frame, but at least we could just push the tv input button and get the slide show for when guests come over, etc. Plus, biggest frmae you're gonna get :). The advantage to this app

  • now that Digitemp has stopped producing and selling their 1 wire interfaces, are there similarly priced alternatives ? Their kits used to be less than $50 with a handful of probes, but it's more than $100 for the equivalent now on the links they supply... Kicking myself for not ordering before ....
  • Linux Wonderland (Score:2, Interesting)

    by sumit_b ( 735080 )
    Once upon a time, I had my P233 box setup at home It did the following:
    1. NAT
    2. Fileserver
    3. Web server
    4. Record Caller ID of incoming calls
    5. Monitor temperature and light intensity in the room.
    6. Control lights in the house using X10.

    I used Apache, PHP and mySQL to orchestrate the whole thing. It had a web user interface to remotely view the Caller IDs, temperature/light values and also to switch ON and OFF lights (I drove my roommate nuts once with this feature)! The hardware required was a modem and X10 Fir

  • When I was a kid, one of the books in the local library -- which had a misogynistic title along the lines of The Boy's Book of Science or somesuch -- had a variety of fascinating projects, including building a wax-cylinder recording phonograph. Does this ring a bell for anyone? I'd love to find it again, but there must be a blue million books with vaguely similar titles.
  • Everyone I have ever heard talk about this says don't bother. Basically they all have proprietary connectors. You can't just yank a laptop apart and then easily attach a vga cable, which I think this article is implying by saying " P200 and lower laptops are virtually free".

    That doesn't mean some engineer can't figure it out, but for even the average normally adept person this isn't a task worth taking on. If this huge supply of old 10-12.1" monitors was so easy to recycle into working monitors the whole w
    • Maybe this book keeps most of the original laptop intact and hides it in the frame, because any other way seems unlikely for the reasons I listed above

      Actually, that's exactly what they're doing. This provides all the computing power necessry to run Linux and attach to a network. A laptop will work much better hidden behind a frame than a full sized PC.

      I think most /.ers picked up on that, because there has been a couple repeats of an article on how to turn an old MAC laptop into a picture frame. The
  • I got this book hoping for a but more information than what the author gives but the scripts are useful.

    My biggest gripe is they are only available in rpm format. I ended up using alien to convert them to debs but they still require some tweaking.

    The book goes over a little (mostly stuff I already knew like init scripts and stuff) but I was looking for something a little more. (information wise) I don't want to just install some scripts and voila! I want to know what's going on and the book does little to
  • by Anonymous Coward
    I built a network-configurable mp3 player using a Thinkpad 760EL (P133) I bought second-hand a few years ago and recently retired. I put on a tiny slackware 9.1 install as well as the Otto Jukebox and MySQL. I loaded it up with 40 hours of music my parents would like on the 2gig hard disk (18 more hours can go on) and gave it to them as a gift.

    I plugged it into their LAN (and they plugged it into an RF transmitter) and through a web browser on any of their THREE machines they can see currently-playing tune
  • Before the review disappears off the front page, I just want to say thanks to Alex Moskalyuk for your kind review and for everyone else who piled on afterwards. If nothing else, I wrote Linux Toys in the spirit of having fun and sharing experiences with Linux projects. You all seem to have caught the spirit. I'll go through and post responses to some of the queries, ideas and bashes that have come from this review. In the mean time, I've gathered a few things I have to say on our web site. W
  • by ratamacue ( 593855 ) on Tuesday December 23, 2003 @08:07PM (#7799774)
    I did the jukebox, but I used FLAC [] instead of lossy compression. Why? Because with lossless compression, you will always have the master digital copy, bit for bit. If the original CD is lost or damaged, you still have the master copy. Not so with lossy compression. Once you go lossy, you're stuck. If you compress a WAV file into FLAC, and then uncompress back to WAV, you will have the original WAV file bit for bit. Not so with ogg or mp3.

    The jukebox is killer, but the main reason I did all this was to permanently archive my CD collection. In the event it was destroyed or stolen, I would still have the master digital copies.

    I don't think you need to use all that fancy database-driven jukebox software that he suggests in the article. I use plain old XMMS [] in random/repeat mode, usually with every song from every CD in the playlist (this is guaranteed to impress the guests). If you structure your directory tree by music category (rock, jazz, new age, etc) then you can easily select playlists by category.

    Of course, you will need a large hard disk in order to do this. I have one 120GB main disk, and another one for backup (yes I know it's not the most reliable backup solution), but large disks are getting so cheap that I'll probably buy another one for redundancy.

    Anyone want to buy a 5-disc CD changer?

  • Top Seller... (Score:2, Interesting)

    by Cybo2002 ( 567625 )
    Interesting how with one day on /. the book has already jumped onto the daily best sellers list as #3. :)
  • My project (Score:2, Funny)

    by ExCEPTION ( 102399 )
    Can someone help me? I am still working on my tin foil hat project.

Egotist: A person of low taste, more interested in himself than in me. -- Ambrose Bierce
