Visual Studio Hacks 437
Jim Holmes writes "Microsoft's Visual Studio is an elephant of an IDE. It's got tremendous power and adaptability, but it's difficult to dig through all the less-than-helpful documentation. It's also very tough to figure out which of the many available add-on tools are worthwhile to add. Visual Studio Hacks by James Avery is a terrific reference for helping get the most out of Visual Studio." Read on for the rest of Holmes' review.
Visual Studio Hacks | |
author | James Avery |
pages | 512 |
publisher | O'Reilly |
rating | Outstanding |
reviewer | Jim Holmes |
ISBN | 0596008473 |
summary | Get the most out of Microsoft's Visual Studio |
Disclaimer: James is a friend who's helped me with starting a developers group, and I'm also working on an open source project with him. The possibility exists that I may work on a paying project with him at some time in the future; however, I haven't had any financial dealings with him so far. (Other than I still owe him a beer for coming to speak at one of our group's meetings.) For what it's worth, I spent my own money to buy this book from Amazon. End Disclaimer.
Avery's book is great both for new users of Visual Studio as well as the more experienced developer. Also, readers won't have to worry about buying a book which will be outdated when Microsoft releases its next version of Visual Studio in November. Tips and tricks are included for Visual Studio versions 2002, 2003, and 2005.
VS Hacks spreads 100 "hacks" across 13 sensibly delineated chapters. Each hack is clearly marked with its number in a blue box at the upper, outer corner of each page. Hacks are also marked with a thermometer icon representing the hack's relative complexity. One of my few complaints about the book is that the moderate and expert icons look too similar - but frankly I ignore these icons anyway, so the criticism's most likely wasted.
The introductory chapters on projects and solutions, navigation, and editor usage aren't introductory in skill level. Avery covers these topics in great depth, diving down to some useful, but less-than-obvious settings in VS's environment. Examples of this would include Hack #2: Master Assembly and Project References, where Avery shows how to add additional assemblies to the Add Reference dialog's list of .NET assemblies. This is a timesaver if you've got custom libraries you make frequent use of; adding the assemblies to the default list saves having to use the Browse button to search for the files every time you need to add them.
Some of the most uninteresting drudgework in development involves writing code for basic software elements such as business entities or data access layers. It's repetitive, it's template-like material, and it's boring. Documenting such work is every bit as tedious.
Hack #50 covers using CodeSmith to generate code via templates. Other hacks detail tying UML into the development process. Hack #81 covers using Visio for Enterprise Architects to generate code from UML diagrams. Hack #82 covers the opposite of that process: generating class diagrams via Visio's reverse engineering support. (UML's capable of much, much more than the simple drudgework of business entities or data access layers, and these hacks shouldn't be confused with anything more than a cursory introduction of how to tie UML via Visio into Visual Studio.)
One of the most useful sections is Chapter 5: "Debugging." This chapter focuses on getting the most out of Visual Studio's debugger capabilities. These hacks are critical helpers to good developers effectively use Visual Studio's debugger.
Avery covers the basics of setting up breakpoints, diving down to various options such as setting how often to break on specific break points, or setting conditional break points. He then moves on to troubleshooting breakpoints in Hack #37, and there's also great coverage on using Visual Studio to debug scripting code inside a browser session, working with SQL server, and attaching to a running process or one that's just about to crash.
I found the best content of this book in hacks focusing on making the most of tools both inside and out of Visual Studio. Hack #79 is a great section detailing how to stress test web applications using Visual Studio Enterprise Architect's Application Center Test. This hack makes it easy for readers to understand how to get detailed stress testing on a web application. Along this same line, Hack #80 shows how to make use of the Dotfuscator tool to obfuscate .NET assemblies to protect them from modest efforts at reverse engineering. (Like Java, .NET assemblies can be disassembled, revealing all your hard work and intellectual property.)
Other gems in this same arena include tools for running and debugging unit tests inside Visual Studio (#93), testing regular expressions (#100), and using tools which automatically generate documentation based on naming conventions in the source code (#69).
The mechanics of this book are great. The Table of Contents breaks down each chapter by its individual hacks, and the index is very detailed and clear. I also like how hacks are listed on the top of each page, making it quick to find something if you know the hack's number or name and don't want to fuss with the table of contents.
My sole complaint about the book (aside from the annoying thermometer icons I've already mentioned) is that it's not always clear which add on tools work with which version of Visual Studio.
The author maintains a website specifically for this book, complete with code and tool downloads. RSS feeds are also available to monitor any updates the author makes.
This book is a critical addition to the bookshelf for any developer who spends any amount of time working in Visual Studio. You'll become much more productive by using tips in the book, and you'll find tips to help you decide which add-on tools you'll want to make use of. More importantly, you'll understand how to get the most out of Visual Studio's capabilities.
You can purchase Visual Studio Hacks from bn.com. Slashdot welcomes readers' book reviews -- to see your own review here, read the book review guidelines, then visit the submission page.
Visual Studio hacks? (Score:3, Funny)
Interesting review (Score:4, Informative)
But informative none the less.
What about 6.0? (Score:2)
The "Hack" Culture (Score:3, Interesting)
Is this because people's needs are growing faster than industry's ability to provide them?
Re:The "Hack" Culture (Score:2)
It's probably that often, the industry doesn't know what people's needs are.
Re:The "Hack" Culture (Score:2)
Re:The "Hack" Culture (Score:5, Insightful)
In this case, most of the "hacks" look like normal VS features that many people are unaware of. These sorts of things are better described as "tips", but that hardly draws any attention now, does it?
If it was called How To Boot Your Walkman With Emacs, now that would be a hack.
Ultimate Killer App (Score:5, Informative)
Until Linux gets an IDE at least 75% as good as MSDev, top-notch large scale applications for Linux will remain few and far between.
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
I think VS 2003 was lacking in a few areas, namely refactoring tools. Fortunately VS 2005 has refactoring tools integrated into it nicely.
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:4, Interesting)
I don't think a GUI platform can call itself complete until it's got an IDE that's worthy for programming.
The only one I've seen so far for Linux that's up to par (and just barely) is KDevelop, which is entirely useless to you if you don't use Qt, like myself.
And yes, I know about a lot of the alternatives, they just all suck so bad they aren't worthy of mentioning by name. Eclipse is better than most, but is java, and slow....
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2, Insightful)
I disagree... I'm not a fan of your monolithic IDEs at all. My GUI is an IDE:
These tools combine into an "IDE" that is my desktop. I have the best-in-class for ev
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:5, Interesting)
Go take a look at what Visual Studio can do, you will see many features(incredibly powerful Intellisense being only one of them) that will save you time and sweat.
This message provided courtesy of a programmer who used to be big fan of XEmacs et. all until he discovered what Visual Studio(and other good IDEs) can do.
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:4, Funny)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:5, Interesting)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:4, Insightful)
Besides, what if you know most of the signature, but can't remember which order the args come in? Don't really need the comments for that.
Finally, it just speeds up typing. Instead of typing out a whole name -- and very easily making a typo -- you usually just have to type a few characters.
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:3, Insightful)
Perhaps you should actually try intellisense before you talk out your ass. Intellisense does show you the comments associated with the method you're calling, as well as the return type, and the comments associated with each of the individual parameters. As you move through the parameters, intellisense updates the tooltop to show you the comments associated with each input parameter separately. People can blast
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:5, Insightful)
> its definition in the source so I can see the comments on the inputs.
Intellisense in VS *DOES* shows you the comments from the source. Why do you think that the source comments have to be entered in XML?? Why do think there's a whole thread of people saying how good it is even though it's an MS product? If you're not seeing the comments, then you haven't been following the templates or RTFM.
I hate to say it but it's fucking amazing - especially in VS.NET 2005.
The thread title is correct - it's Microsoft's Killer App.
> Besides, if you divide up the work correctly, you won't be using more
> than a few percent of the functions in a program,
Not all companies are big enough to "divide up the work". I have to do the entire project on my own. Which after 6 months is a LOT of functions. I guarantee it would take nearly everyone except genius autistic programmers more time to write large projects if if VS.NET didn't have any intellisense.
I can't see how it can be annoying. If you type quickly without pausing then it doesn't even appear. If you really do know what you're supposed to be typing then you probably won't pause because. The only reason I can think of to pause halfway though typing a function call is if you're having to go and find the function definition because you can't remember what the next argument is
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Is "intellisense" the thing that gives you a dropdown of method names and similar? If so, there are multiple existing ways to do similar things in both (x)emacs and vim (although I'm not familiar with the procedure for doing it in the latter, so a vim master will have to chime in). There's dynamic abbrevs which work with almost everything and, while not context sensitive, are generally good enough unless you don't know and haven't typed the method. But it works in any mode, so if you're typing a letter
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:3, Insightful)
Not being context sensitive is simply unacceptable for example. When you start using namespaces, many classes,
Regarding This is the power of a programmable editor. If there's a feature you want, you can add it. If there's a feature you want to change, you can modify it. If there's a misfeature, you can get rid of it.
Hint #2: You can write plugins for VStudio to
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
On the other hand, bad (as most of the free IDE's out there are in my experience) are exactly the opposite... they waste time, they lose code when they crash, they generally are a hassle... bu
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
To say that VS.NET is the "ultimate killer app" sounds so outrageous that I'm tempted to think that a little astro-turfing might be going on here. VS.NET has a lot of features but it also has a lot of bugs. It's very slow when working with a large VB.NET solution. It also has periodic interop issues with VSS.
When VS.NET is acting up like that, I am grateful that I can just open up a text editor and edit the source directly like that.
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Autotools are a crime when it comes to building projects.. I can't tell you how many hours I've spent tweaking those scripts until I heard about Scons, and it's not even an ideal solution; A good IDE allows you to click one button and have your software project built. Wanna customize the build? Don't worry about memorizing those archaic tags,
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
For me, a good intellisenseish feature in IDE A will cause me to use it over IDE B (without such a feature) in a heartbeat *no matter what* other feature IDE B has. I don't care if it runs like a dream, has the best debugger in the world, or whatever. If A has intellisense and B doesn't, about the only feature B could add that would make me switch is a telepathic "I'll write your code for you" feature.
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Perhaps it's the projects I've been placed on at work, but I always find myself fighting Intellisense when I'm doing windows coding. It'll pop up with the wrong things when I don't want to be bothered with it, and it'll NOT pop up when I don't know how to use something and just want to see an interface list.
Other times I just use gvim, for my solaris, mac, vms, linux and several web development projects. I fin
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:3, Interesting)
I've done a lot of Java work recently in Eclipse for instance, and think that the Intellisense in Eclipse is fantastic.
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:3, Funny)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2, Interesting)
I have to disagree there. My experience is mainly in Java development, but I have done some VC++ and VC#. In my experience, VS.NET 2003 simply doesn't compare to the likes of JBuilder and Eclipse in terms of features (and neither of them are perfect by any means). I'm not saying that it's a *bad* IDE, but every time I use it the lack of refactoring and code inspection tools drives me batshit insane in pretty short order.
To be perfectly honest, if you
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
I wish I could easily use JBuilder to write apps for a PocketPC platform that can interface with PDA BCR hardware DLLs, but C# in VS2K3 makes it really easy.
I have a copy of JBuilder 2005 still in the shrink wrap that procurement finally sent me, and I get teary eyed wishing I could use it instead.
But for this sort of thing, Borland just can't come close.
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2, Funny)
I have a fairly decent system, but VS drives to incredible slowness.
When I exit I have to re-boot to get the speed back.
Does any one else have this issue?
Seriously I'd like to know.
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2, Insightful)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2, Informative)
>MSDev, top-notch large scale applications for
>Linux will remain few and far between.
I don't understand why you were modded as insightful. I'm not trying to be sarcastic, but how precisely is MS Visual Studio a "killer app"? What makes it so impressive in your opinion that no Linux development environment compares with it, or
even as you say, "75%" as good?
For example, my development environment of choice is xemacs which I consider hands down the ultim
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Your other points I agree with wholeheartedly. (I'm currently getting into eclipse though, as I'm digging the refactoring stuff, and I rarely find myself developing in non-windowed environments or using the god-like emacs features that no one else has or probably ever will.
VS is differen
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:3, Insightful)
You haven't tried kdevelop or anjuta then, I assume? Not being familiar with VS (too poor, lol) I am not sure how they stack up feature wise, but I bet that both meet your "75%" criteria.
top-notch large scale applications for Linux will remain few and far between.
You mean like Open Office, Mozilla or Blender3d? We have the apps; it's the mindshare we're lacking (if we're lacking anything, which I doubt now that we have corporate sponsorship from novell a
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
I just tried it, and it doesn't even seem to do auto code indenting. If i type if(a==b) { , any half decent IDE should indent the following line. KDevelop didn't. (I didn't look for an option to turn this on, I'll be fair.)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Read: I don't know what I'm talking about, but I will comment anyways...
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:3, Insightful)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Good one.
But you do bring up a good point that we need more - and better - IDE's for Linux development.
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2, Insightful)
etc. It gives you something to read while you're looking for your code.
God help you if you accidentally delete one of those comments.
Delphi (for example) keeps your source code as you wrote it. Like every freakin other IDE in the universe.
Oh, and how many versions of msvcr71.dll are there? (Seriously, I'm asking...MSDN's dll help database claims the file doesn't exist.)
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:5, Insightful)
Google search for visual studio bug [google.com] - 840,000 results
Google search for eclipse bug [google.com] - 1,480,000 results
Google search for emacs bug [google.com] - 1,170,000 results
Google search for slashdot bug [google.com] - 1,460,000 results
Google search for bright purple elephant bug [google.com] - 131,000 results
Congratulations! You have given us a meaningless statistic.
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:3, Insightful)
By the way, does Visual Studio ship with the source to the runtime libraries so's you can step the debugger through them? No? (Delphi does.)
Actually, VS also ships with sources for the Runtime Library - go check your install again.
Re:Ultimate Killer App (Score:2)
I don't think market penetration == killer app. It is certainly popular though.
>> I use it even when developing for Linux.
I usually do things the other way around. compile first with GCC, then under VS 6.0. IMHO the editors in linux are better, the tools faster and it's easier to write to ANSI standard.
VS does some things well, especially with bigger projects, but for most stuff it's a distant second choice.
not that again (Score:2)
Other people prefer Eclipse, and arguably, Eclipse has long surpassed Visual Studio both in terms of UI and in terms of functionality.
Yet other people find Emacs a far better tool.
And, frankly, compared to the environments people had 20 years ago for Smalltalk and Lisp, all those tools still seem extremely cumbersome.
Visual Studio may be Microsoft's "ultimate killer app", but that's because people like you don't know how to work with anything else,
Browse info for g++? (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Browse info for g++? (Score:2)
Re:Browse info for g++? (Score:2)
Re:Browse info for g++? (Score:2)
Re:Browse info for g++? (Score:2)
Re:Browse info for g++? (Score:4, Interesting)
Torrent Link (Score:3, Funny)
Recommend: Best Kept Secrets in .NET (Score:4, Informative)
Best Kept Secrets in
by Deborah Kurata
This has plenty of good tricks for visual studio:
Chapter 1 - Hidden Treasures in Visual Studio
Chapter 2 - Doing Windows Forms
Chapter 3 - Code Tricks
Chapter 4 - Much ADO
Chapter 5 - Defensive Development
The biggest annoyance with DevStudio (Score:5, Insightful)
Even with this annoyance it's still better than help in XCode on the Mac. XCode 2.x is a big improvement but it's still hopeless compared to MSDE.
A second annoyance to DevStudio is the sheer mess of dockable windows. VC98 had it just about under control but since DevStudio 2002 it has become a disaster zone of tabs, splitters, pushpins, floaters and toolbars. Just trying to get all the relevant information onto the screen is hard enough. The pushpin model just works badly - either you pin a window to a frame or it annoys you by floating in and out at just the wrong point in time such as when you're mousing around.
A final irritation is that DevStudio is extremely primitive compared to a lot of Java suites. Eclipse is hopeless for visual design but it kicks DevStudio around the shop for sheer coding. Being able to hit Shift+Ctrl+R and rename all references to a class or variable everywhere in Eclipse is mindbogglingly useful. While I expect the next incarnation of DevStudio will allow you to rename a class, it's notable by its absence in the current releases. It's not like Eclipse just introduced this feature since JBuilder has had it for years.
Re:The biggest annoyance with DevStudio (Score:2)
Re:The biggest annoyance with DevStudio (Score:2)
Re:The biggest annoyance with DevStudio (Score:3, Informative)
Re:The biggest annoyance with DevStudio (Score:2)
And I also find the dockable windows do make it easy to get lost - or figure out which one disappeared.
Renaming references quickly is, admittedly, not very good, especially if you have code snippets that use them - it would be nice if it could at the v
Re:The biggest annoyance with DevStudio (Score:4, Interesting)
Ever try the Visual Editor for Eclipse?
http://www.eclipse.org/ve/ [eclipse.org]
It's quite nice.
Re:The biggest annoyance with DevStudio (Score:3, Informative)
Actually it does. Set the layout manager to null and you can put components at any location you want and set the size to anything you want. Of course, if you've got the ability to change font sizes (e.g. to support people with visual difficulties, which is a legal requirement in some places) then absolute layouts suck horribly...
Re:The biggest annoyance with DevStudio (Score:5, Interesting)
Also, you can now get content via the Internet or through the Local Help system, which means that you shouldn't ever run into "please insert a cd" messages again.
As far as our Tool Window situation goes, we have a way to go on improving this. I think we're doing better in terms of window management in Whidbey (VS 2005) than we did in previous releases. One cool new feature, the IDE Navigator (Ctrl+Tab) lets you navigate between every open document and tool window in the IDE in a fairly reasonable manner.
Also, we've added in either 5 or 6 refactorings to VS: you can perform operations like Extract Method or Rename Symbol now through that interface.
Finally, if you have feature requests or bug reports please post them on our Product Feedback Center. I happened to run across this post, but there's no guarantee that a Slashdot post will ever be seen by the team that owns a specific part of VS. The MSDN Product Feedback Center [microsoft.com] will let you submit issues or suggestions to us directly and will guarantee they're routed to the right people.
Cheers -- Aaron
Oh yeah, and I feel like I owe a VS "hack" now. When you're in the editor you can enable incremental search by pressing Ctrl+i and then typing a string to search for. The next instance can be jumped to by pressing Ctrl+i again.
Re:The biggest annoyance with DevStudio (Score:3, Interesting)
Re:The biggest annoyance with DevStudio (Score:3, Interesting)
While we're there, we should probably thank him for designing and creating one of the most popular and successful programming languages on the planet.
If we're being fair ;-)
Re:The Delphi parser (Score:3, Interesting)
However, since Eclipse is written in java, the jvm is already running, so it can just call up the appropriate javac classes and run the compiler in-process, removing the latency of starting up a new jvm. That's most likely why Eclipse is much more snappy at compiles (off the top of my head; I haven't written any Java in a while).
Alternatively they could be using IBM's jikes compiler, which is written in C
Is it all about other tools? (Score:4, Interesting)
A book on Visual Studio hacks has a lot going for it, but the examples in the review mostly sound like discussion of add-in tools, rather than VS itself.
Many people don't take advantage of even simple things like customising autoexp.dat for debugging, and don't know about undocumented UI tweaks like displaying a marker line at column N. Many of these little touches are what makes VS better than the alternatives for a lot of jobs, and why Microsoft never makes more of them I don't understand. Are things like the two examples above covered in the book?
Tomato... (Score:3, Informative)
Hacking add-ins in perl (Score:3, Interesting)
But has anyone noticed what a complete mess the Visual Studio add-in API is ? A hybrid mixture of DLL export functions and nearly-COM like objects... very 1993... I think it must count as the biggest hack in Visual Studio.
zerg (Score:3, Informative)
Related book. (Score:3, Interesting)
Most Requested VS Hack (Score:2)
That would be such a productivity improvement!
Re:Most Requested VS Hack (Score:2, Insightful)
ASP.net and sourcesafe. (Score:3, Informative)
Just my $1 and 2 cents.
The one VS.Net 2003 plug-in I cannot live without (Score:3, Interesting)
It adds real-time syntax highlighting, additional keyword coloring, superb code navigation features, and code refactoring features, among many other very useful items.
If you are using Visual Studio and doing any C# coding at all, you need to check out Resharper, from JetBrains... http://www.jetbrains.com/resharper/ [jetbrains.com]. I frankly don't know how anyone lives without it (or at least something similar).
Version 2.0 (due out late this year) will also support 2005, Visual Basic, and ASP.Net coding
Re:Your number one IDE (Score:2)
(Okay, I know that it's not actually fully compliant. For instance, until 7.1, there was no support for partial template specialization. However, there is, to my knowledge, one fully compliant compiler+library implementation, and VC++ is as good as most now.)
Re:Your number one IDE (Score:3, Interesting)
But even when it comes to VS2003, last time I checked C# and
Portability (Score:5, Interesting)
Erm... We write highly portable libraries in C and C++ at work. They have to compile on Windows, Linux, Solaris, HP-UX, AIX, MacOS X, and often under several different toolsets on each OS.
Our whole dev team is free to develop using whatever software we find helpful. We have GUI guys and CLI guys, Windows guys and Linux guys, emacs guys and vi guys, etc.
The one thing almost everyone has in common is that they use Visual C++ as their primary IDE. That's not because we're ill-informed or haven't tried the alternatives, it's because most of us think it's the best IDE available to help us do our jobs.
Re:Windows programming is purposely vague.. (Score:5, Informative)
Re:Windows programming is purposely vague.. (Score:2)
Re:Windows programming is purposely vague.. (Score:2)
In the past, I didn't find either to be terribly useful, but (I hate to say it) Microsoft got it right this time. With MSDN for VS.Net, I actually find what I need in the documentation, rather than having to use google.
Re:Windows programming is purposely vague.. (Score:4, Insightful)
Re:Windows programming is purposely vague.. (Score:2)
Re:Windows programming is purposely vague.. (Score:2, Informative)
Re:Only on Slashdot (Score:2)
And as to the parent troll about Microsoft documentation, well that might have been true ages ago I find that most Windows API stuff is easy enough to find on MSDN, the documentation for
Re:Book should read (Score:2, Funny)
Re:One more... (Score:2)
Re:Yeah, but.... (Score:2)
Re:Yeah, but.... (Score:2, Informative)
# Begin Project
# PROP AllowPerConfigDependencies 0
# PROP Scc_ProjName
Change "cl.exe" to your favorite C++ compiler.
Re:Yeah, but.... (Score:3, Insightful)
I did something similar for Visula Studio 6 when I was working on a project for a couple of embedded platforms.
It just depends on how much time you want to take.
Re:What does Microsoft use? (Score:3, Informative)
Re:Ah, the pity... (Score:3, Insightful)
*sigh* The trolls do rush to these threads. Meanwhile we who actually try things before denigrating them have found an extremely capable IDE, enjoying the capability to code in/edit Ada, APL, ASml, Caml, Cobol, Delphi, Forth, Eiffel, Fortran, Haskell, Lisp, Lua, Mercury, Mixal, ML, Mondrian, Nemerle, Oberon, Pascal, Perl, PHP, Prolog, Python, RPG, Ruby, Scheme,