Godel, Escher, Bach -- 20th Anniversary Edition 123
Godel, Escher, Bach -- 20th Anniversary Edition | |
author | Douglas R. Hofstadter |
pages | |
publisher | Basic Books |
rating | 12/10 |
reviewer | Tal Cohen |
ISBN | 0-465-02656-7 |
summary | Twenty years after its original release, the author of this spectacular masterpiece clarifies, once and for all, what the book is actually about. |
In an interview to Wired magazine a few years back, Douglas R. Hofstadter, author of Gödel, Escher, Bach: an Eternal Golden Braid (GEB for short) complained that most people, even those who actually read the book, couldn't tell what it's really about. Yes, it talks about music and art, mathematics and zen, biochemistry and computer languages; but none of these is what the book is really about.
This seems to be a real problem, because in the new "20th Anniversary Edition" of the book, Hofstadter says that the question "so what is this book about?" haunted him since he was scribbling the first drafts, back in 1973. Now, twenty years after its first publication (in 1979), the author decided to clarify the matter once and for all, and added a new 23-page preface that, among other things, clarifies the issue.
So -- what is this book about? The New York Times bestsellers list originally summarized it as "A scientist argues that reality is a system of interconnected brains".
The Jargon File (4.1.0) says it's "a brilliant tapestry themed on the concept of encoded self-reference". Brilliant, yes; but otherwise not very accurate. Another common definition is "a book that shows how math, art, and music are really all the same thing at their core". Hofstadter says he heard this one over and over again, even by people who read the book, and it is (in his own words) "a million miles off".
My own review of the book (http://www.forum2.org/tal/books/geb.html), the single most popular page on my web site, says that the book is about "the question of consciousness and the possibility of artificial intelligence. It is a book that attempts to discover what 'self' really means".
Much closer (but I had the advantage of reading that Wired interview).
"In a word," writes Hofstadter in the new preface, "GEB is a very personal attempt to say how it is that animate beings can come out of inanimate matter. What is a self, and how can a self come out of stuff that is as selfless as a stone or a puddle?". His explanation goes on, and clarifies at least one thing: despite its beautiful playfulness, GEB is a serious book presenting a serious theory about consciousness. Despite its popularity, it is not a "popular science" book.
If you already read GEB, you're probably wondering what else is new in the 20th Anniversary Edition -- other than the new preface. Certainly, there were many possibilities. Most ideas were about additional chapters -- about progress made in the last twenty years in the field of artificial intelligence, or about machine translation, and more. There was also the idea of including a new dialogue, that was previously published elsewhere. Wilder suggestions went as far as releasing GEB with a CD-ROM including the Escher's art, Bach's works and recordings of all of GEB's dialogues by professional narrators.
None of that.
Not a word was changed; not a figure added; not even, the author admits, the few typos fixed. The book is a facsimile of the original release, with even page numbering left intact (the preface pages use a separate numbering, from P-1 to P-23). The CD-ROM suggestion was turned down because Hofstadter "intended GEB as a book, not as a multimedia circus, and a book it shall remain". The other suggestions were turned down for more delicate reasons.
But while the preface is the only change, it is a very important one. For first-time readers, it clears several aspects of the book before they commence reading. This is important, especially because GEB is anything but an easy read (some compared reading it to giving birth). For returning readers, the introduction clarifies many things, and sheds a new light on several aspects.
In addition to establishing, once and for all, a formal definition to what the book is about, the introduction also describes the history of the book, and the history of its authors for the last twenty years. You probably heard about the books he wrote later -- Metamagical Themas, Fluid Concepts and Creative Analogies, The Mind's I (as a co-editor), and Le Ton beau de Marot: in Praise of the Music of Language . These books cover much of the suggested additions to GEB: Fluid Concepts, for example, covers Hofstadter's research work, while Le Ton beau de Marot includes a lengthy discussion (or rather, a lengthy attack) on machine translation -- among many other things.
The preface also talks about GEB's translations, a suggested sex-change operation for the Tortoise, a brief account of Hofstadter's recent literary efforts, and more.
Since you probably owe yourself a re-read of the book (you did read it before, right?), the new edition is a good excuse as any to start now.
For a complete review of the original Gödel, Escher, Bach, visit http://www.forum2.org/tal/books/geb.html.
To purchase this book, head over to Amazon.
For my review of Le Ton beau de Marot, see http://www.forum2.org/tal/books/marot.html.
Hrrm.... (Score:1)
Yet I remember the disappointment when finishing the book: all through the book he works to prove Goedels theorem (that was what I thought the book was about). In the end Hofstadter does some flumsy handwaiving, leaving me completely unconvinced of Goedels theorem and its implications. I then sought and found a convincing explanation of the theorem in a booklet by two Dutch logicians, much thinner than GEB, but so much more boring to read.
GEB and Goedel's theorem (Score:3)
The way I understand it today : suppose you wanted to formalize a dictionary - to make the definitions of a dictionary mechanically constraining. What the theorem says, is that this will not make ambiguity disappear : your whole dictionary will become ambiguous. At some point, it becomes possible to redefine many terms of the dictionary simultaneously, in such a manner that their definitions don't change. The "new" meaning of a term is given by reading the definition, using the "new" meaning of the words forming the definition, while the "old" meaning is obtained by reading the very same words according to their (respective) "old" meaning.
Further, such "symmetries" are function of the current state of the (incomplete) dictionary, which means that, while a single state of the dictionary covers many consistent interpretations of it, the correct wording for the definition of a new entry, may *not* be indifferent to the interpretation you choose for the dictionary (as it is before adding that entry).
Now GEB possibly states something very much like this, I don't remember : but the fact is that it insists so much on the self-reference in Goedel's proof that a view such as the above one appears at odds with what GEB says.
Boris Borcic zorro@zipzap.ch
"Copper, Silver, Gold - (Score:1)
Anyway, here goes. On page 748, at the bottom:
My opinion on this book (Score:1)
Definately one my favorite books. I read it while taking a couple of logic courses (philosophy, not digital), and that made it even more interesting.
The 12/10 rating is conservative.
GEB (Score:1)
I admit that when I first tried to read it I didn't understand whole chapters. I did like the conversations though....and yes, I changed my major and wrote a college honors thesis based on his framework and his bibliography. His metamagical themas is less technical and for me...much more accessible as a non quant.
Don't bother with multi media...just seeek out all the sources yourself.
Hrrm.... (Score:1)
It is an excellent book... I read it just to look intelligent, and didn't understand a shitload (read it in 11th grade) but the stuff I DID get blew me away (I particularly liked the conversations between Achilles and the Tortoise... like the phonograph...)
...and don't forget to see the play! (Score:1)
Wonderful book!
I recently Produced and Directed a play based on GEB, called "Prelude, Ant Fugue". It included two Acts and the scenes were Three Part Invention, Solo for unaccompanied Achilles, Crab Canon and Prelude, Ant Fugue. When I asked Prof. Hofstadter even he tried to convince me that P,AF was too hard to present on stage! lol.
I guess all this makes me a fan
I even have Escher prints up in my house. After all he is my favourite artist. In any case, I've got a print of Mosaic II hanging on my wall, in plain view from here
Did everyone get the Acrostic BTW? (Score:1)
I laughed and laughed when I checked that chapter with the acrostic!
"Didn't Like It", he dissented (Score:1)
Maybe I should read it again. I tried 20
years ago and I thought it an oversized
self-indulgent book - like a pompous
academic talking to himself. I gave up
after 100 pages because I didn't see the
But so many others here like it, so like I said, maybe I should try again.
GEB and Intelligence (Score:1)
This is a great book. I too wanted 'more', and a CD version with music, but will settle for a new edition if all it does is make it more likely to find in a bookstore.
At the risk of sounding real dumb, I'd like to take an flying leap at a one-sentence summary:
Intelligence is the ability to improve on your own instructions.
GEB is a profoundly influential text (Score:1)
Regards, Jochen
Don't just read it once! (Score:1)
Finished reading (Score:1)
Agreed: Fantastic Book (Score:1)
I have Metamagical Themas and Fluid Concepts, but haven't tackled them yet. Perhaps it's time for a re-read of GEB, then on to those...
This book made me *not* go into computer science (Score:1)
...and into cognitive science instead.
Though I'm programming professionally now, so a lot of good that did me.
Hrrm.... (Score:1)
What the book is about. (Score:1)
I started reading GEB:EGB back freshman year in college, and I still go through parts of it just because it is fun. I disagree with some parts of it, but I don't think that makes it necessarily *bad*.
One think I liked about it: he'd be talking about music or biochemistry or logic, but his point would be from some completely different area. He'd sneak in little things, even small things like the tortose saying "Tata". Pretty cool.
Of course, it's nonlinear nature is something I liked. Some people don't like that kind of thing.
Finished reading (Score:1)
sentences, which more often than not make
sense right away. In GEB you have to put forward
a little more effort to understand whats being
read (ie, think). And because I can feel how much
it is enriching me, I stick with - progress is
slow; but steady.
Finished reading (Score:2)
I still have'nt finished. I know a lot more
people who have not finished reading the book
than have. BTW, it is probably the best book
I have read.
Valid, but... (Score:2)
While you're probably right about people getting the wrong idea about the _end_ of Goedel's theorem from GEB, GEB is really more about illustrating the _process_ of Goedel's theorem. (Draw up this funky-looking theorem that proves theorems, load the theorem into itself, and what do you get?)
You get a better idea of what a car's purpose is from watching a Mercedes commercial than from watching a mechanic poke around the engine, but sometimes watching the mechanic is better if you want to see how it works.
Hrrm.... (Score:2)
"'Is not a quine' is not a quine" is a quine.
Re: (Score:1)
time for a new copy (Score:1)
I am a lender of my books, especially ones that I love. However, this book has never been leant out. My girlfriend had to wait until we moved in together to be able to read it. It is too precious to me to let it get out of my apartment.
Well, now I will buy a new copy, and the old will be taped up and lent out. I can't wait to have a freshly bound copy in my possession. I will try to make this one last a little longer.
Hrrm.... (Score:1)
My First Time (Score:1)
The first time I knew about the book was from an article from the Whole Earth Review (WER)... and then the same book was mentioned in one of the computing/technology mag, and that got my interest.
So, poor student like me who couldn't find enough money for tuition fees (by skimping on FOOD !!) generally chose to "borrow" the book from the library (hehehehe, still have it with me, hehehehehehe) and for once, I DO NOT REGRET I STOLE THE BOOK BECAUSE THE BOOK WAS CERTAINLY GOOD ENOUGH FOR ME TO STEAL !!!!!
The above, folks, is _my_ review of the book.
Am I thinking of stealing the NEW version of the book? You bet I am. Hehehehehehe
Joy! (Score:1)
Anyone ever read "Divine Proportion" by H.E. Huntley?
It is on my shelf next to EGB. It is a study of mathematical beauty. I only mention it because these are two of my favorites.
No sir.. I didn't like it. (Score:1)
Okay, now although I'm like most people who have posted and loved GEB (I read it just before I got out of the service to goto college...before I read it I was going to study ME, basically the design end of my Navy job...read it and changed majors before I even got to school...) I understand not everyone does like it. I will even admit I think some people who love it do so just because they are afraid to admit they were confused (hell, I'm lucky if I got 10% of some parts).
I cannot however let Mathematics be insulted without punishing the transgressor (: Seriously aphr(), there is much beauty in mathematics. If you are willing to give mathematics a second (third/fourth/fifth/whatever) chance, I would recommend a good intro text on group theory (I would recommend Contemporary Abstract Algebra by Gallian, probably could find a used one at a local university). Group theory is, among other things, about symmetry and can be found in Escher's drawings as well as crystals and quantum theory. I cannot think of many things more beautiful than a construct of the human mind that captures symmetry (a personal aesthetic favorite anyway).
No sir.. I didn't like it. (Score:1)
Perhaps I'm the only one who was either too ignorant to get it or the only one who's not trying to sound intellectual by saying I got it. Who knows.
P.S. - If you find The Mind's I, by Douglas Hofstadter and Daniel Dennett, GET IT. It's a wonderful book. Greatly entertaining book, especially for the philosophy genre.
Maths - All absolutes, no beauty? (Score:1)
To ME. I do read lots of philosophy, mostly dealing with ethics and morality, however, not AI or mathematics. I carefully stated my opinion that way because I know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Before you say anything, yes I have tried out mathematics; I've toyed with it and just didn't find it interesting or worth delving into more.
The reason I got the book is because I heard everyone raving over how great it was and I could become impotent of I didn't read it, etc.
Read it Now! 8^) (Score:1)
Re:Strong AI (Score:1)
One of the most interesting non-traditional QM theories I have seen is the transactional interpretation put forth by a UW professor. Read all about it. [washington.edu] I personally think that what makes us _not_ Turing machines is our ability to comprehend infinity on some level. Strong AI claims that this is an illusion, but TI provides a mechanism that allows for infinite computations in finite time which means that it might not be an illusion after all.
As marks against Penrose, I completely understand the problems with his arguments, but his strong AI opponents have not proved their own case either. Given a choice of where to proceed I come down on the side of present ignorance. History has too often shown that just when we think we know it all something is about to whack us right between the eyes.
Re:Read it, finish it, *ARGUE WITH IT* (Score:1)
Incidentally, another good layman's book on the embodied mind is Antonio Damasio's Descartes' Error: Emotion, Reason and the Human Brain
Finished reading (Score:1)
Yes, excellent book (Score:1)
I am. NOT!
Of cabbages and Kings (Score:1)
BTW, speaking of AI... a coworker here -- PhD, AI expert, former NASA flight controller, and hacker -- has told me that Alice in Wonderland is one of the best AI books ever. Don't know whether he was talking about just Alice's Adventures or both that and Through the Looking Glass, but I intend to go re-read both to see what he was talking about.
One of the best I've ever read (Score:1)
When I first got the book, it was because of my interest in AI, and I thought the book would be just about that. I was surprised (and pleased) that it turned out to be *much* more. The dialogs, especially, did a great deal to clarify the more technical tone of the chapters, and were extremely entertaining, as well.
From his insightful treatment of number theory, including the best discussion of Godel's number (and what it means) that I have ever encountered, to wonderful examples of self-reference and symbols, this book has gained a permanent spot in my library, and I would recommend it to *anyone*, even the non-technical among us.
Also, as a musician myself, I was pleased by the extent that music played a part in his arguments, especially since Bach is one of my favorites.
To me, this book represents the definitive examination of intelligence, and especially self-awareness from the symbols and mechanical systems that underlie them.
Finished reading? (Score:1)
Finished reading (Score:1)
I've always found that the best books force you to read them in small doses, then you have to put them down for a while to digest their implications. All the books I mentioned before are like that for me. Sometimes the implications are emotional rather than intellectual, suce as in the case of the Ethical Slut.
Of cabbages and Kings and robotic gods (Score:1)
1,456,653 to one against, but that's pure guesswork on my part. :-P
I would also like to add Stanislaw Lem's Cyberiad to the list of "required reading".
wow! (Score:1)
I'm glad I'm reading it just after college as it is connecting many many many things I've read, experienced, and felt during my college extravaganza. It is truly a marvel of a book.
But I disagree with the attempts to summarize the book. All summaries of the book (and I'm not being cheesy, and I'm not trying to be cute either--I really think that this is the best and most complete answer given the set of all combinations of human vocabulary) should be as follows:
So, what's the book really about?
Of cabbages and Kings (Score:1)
"The best book on programming for the layman is 'Alice in Wonderland'; but that's because it's the best book on anything for the layman."
How coincidental is that?
Not just one subject (Score:1)
I think GEB is about lots of things. About multiplicity of levels of reality, about what self-conciousness ( what's that and how that can be achieved from unconciouss matter ), about AI. The book is also about beautifulness in mathematic, music and pictorial art.
I'm sure most people that would never read it, are missing a lot ( because it could teach THOSE people to appreciate the mistery hidden in the universe, but this lack of appreciation is the reason they won't read it ).
And finally, is clearly a book to enjoy. Every word, every page. Very clever. Difficult, may be, but surely worth the effort.
My opinion on this book (Score:1)
My opinion on this book (Score:2)
If you haven't read this book yet, I urge you to go out and find a copy. Amazon and Chapters seemed to have trouble stocking the old version, but it should be out there somewhere.
READ THIS BOOK: it will open your mind. I can't stress this enough.
Clarity and efficiency are the essence of good writing, and GEB has neither. It's a 700 page stream-of-consciousness rambling, with very little focus or organization. Doesn't it strike anyone as odd that it took him 20 years to figure out what the book's about? Hofstadter is a smart guy and he has some interesting things to say, but in my opinion he's a pretty lousy writer.
Furthermore, being intelligent doesn't necessarily mean you are knowledgable. I can't say much about Escher or Bach, but Hofstadter's discussion of mathematics, biology, and computer science is pretty amateur. Although the subject matter he discusses is indeed profound, it's nowhere near as mystical or difficult to understand as he makes it out to be. The best things in GEB are citations and retellings of work by greater men than Douglas Hofstadter.
Smart people frequently make the assumption that intelligence equals knowledge, and that just because they are knowledgable in one area, they can speak authoritatively about all things. Standards are pretty low in world full of mediocre people, and it's an easy mistake to make.
P.S. Another example of a good book that's about 5 times as long as it needed to be is "Atlas Shrugged".
Yay! (Score:1)
Hofstadter's Book Is Amazing (Score:1)
As bedtime reading, I can't think of anything better. It leaves your brain drenched in new thoughts and ideas (and makes for interesting dreams).
Continuing to streach your mind out of school can be difficult at times. It seems you get stuck in a rut and can't find a mental challenge anywhere. That's where I was when I found this book.
Hofstader's book made me rethink the way I look at things, and remember the simple complexities of life.
Hrrm.... (Score:2)
The book really just makes you think... and think.... and re-think.
GEB a great book. (Score:1)
I see your point. GEB is a book that you should like, just like the the emperors new clothes. Its a highly enjoyable book to read though, and your statement: Clarity and efficiency are the essence of good writing, and GEB has neither. sounds a bit too harsh to me. When I read it (as a teenager) I loved it, but I certainly did not understand all of it. It is certainly not a good way of presenting a theory, but as amusement it is great!
That Hofstadter now explains what the book is about is IMO to spoil things. Its like the case with the Koans in the book, once a koan is explained it just becomes a boring statement.
A statement that, in this case even is based on outdated premises (see other postings here about the AI fallacy).
The riddle is the essence of the story, because then you are not limited by the imagination of
the author, but can fill the gaps with your own imagination. Same reason why people like X-Files I believe
The best things in GEB are citations and retellings of work by greater men than Douglas Hofstadter.
True, but this does not necessarily belittle GEB as literature. Often the original sources are less interesting to read, and reading GEB would be a good way to get interested in these ideas.
P.S. Another example of a good book that's about 5 times as long as it needed to be is "Atlas Shrugged".
And just like GEB it is based on weird assumptions--objectivism doesn't hold any more than traditional AI
Another "Me too". (Score:1)
In fact, I'll be more specific. For a guy who has been fascinated with that particular philosophical question (how "self" can come out of the goo of everyday matter) since high school... this book was, quite literally, life changing. And, ironically, I don't even feel that my grasp of the concepts in the book are as good as they should be.
Looks like now is a good time to re-read.
There is no ending (Score:1)
Serendipity (Score:2)
I discovered DRH's books quite by serendipity. In March 1986, I was on spring break in high school, and tragedy struck: my C64's power supply was fried. I was such a damn nerd that, since my computer was dead, I couldn't think of anything better to do than go to the library and read about AI.
I remember browsing around though various AI books, looking for something interesting, and then I somehow drifted into the Math books. I misread the title of one of the books. I *thought* it said "Mathmatical Themes" but I wasn't paying a lot of attention, I guess, so I picked it up.
I opened it to a random spot, and there was a LISP program. "Oh, I must have drifted back into the AI books," I thought. Then I turned to another page. There was an aerial picture of a bunch of logs in a river, and a caption that talked about guessing how many logs that was. I was confused. Was this a math book or an AI book? Then I turned to another picture with a bunch of boxes and dots, and it was comparing the worldwide nuclear arsenal to the total firepower of WWII. Then, in frustration, I looked at the title again and saw my error. It was called "Metamagical Themas." I probably wouldn't have given the book a second look if I had correctly read the title earlier, because I was far too geeky to read "new age" stuff about "magic" and the word "themas" conjured up images of sissy "literature" stuff. Hey, I was 17 and that's just the attitude I had at the time. :-)
Anyway, the book entertained me for the next few weeks. The best part was that it referenced other books that turned out to be even more fascinating, like Hofstadter's "GEB" and Richard Dawkin's "The Selfish Gene." GEB and TSG turned out to be some of the most interesting and stimulating books I've read in all my life. And it was all due to an accidently misread title!
G E B and me (Score:1)
math? (Score:1)
many people are claiming to be enamored by this book. what do these people think of mathematics? my experience has been that not very many will admit to liking the subject with any degree of enthusiasm -- especially computer scientists. (and forget the question "how much do you know of it?").
well, anyway, i claim that this book is essentially a math book. it is padded, but it's a math book. and i have a bone to pick with the secondary education system for convincing people that because they can't factor polynomials quickly, they won't enjoy what math _really_ is. (the cause? high school math teachers don't know math).
oh, and anyone that says this is not a popular book ought to read "uber formal unentscheidbare shatze der principia mathematica und verwandter systeme" and tell me what they think of that.
GEB and Goedel's theorem (Score:1)
godel's second incompleteness thereom states that the consistency of a system cannot be proven within that system (a consistent system is one in which it is not possible to prove both a statement and its negation).
it looks like you are sort of combining the two..
of course, i have to say, IANAL (i am not a logician).
- pal
A fun book, but profound? (Score:1)
Crashed my head. (Score:1)
Well I read GEB in 1984 and I think it almost crashed my mind. I havn't been able to think in straightforward, decidable, non-recursive, complete way about even the simplest things ever since.
Anyway somehow I think I have to get myself a new copy and go around the loop a few more times
P.S. Does anyone have a an idea of the author/title of the story above ?
AWW :-( no CD (Score:1)
This book is the reason why I became a programmer (Score:1)
Ever since, I don't know whether I should be grateful or hateful to Hofstadter for this.
Finished reading (Score:3)
GEB:EGB was not simply a collection of facts to be absorbed, like a text book. It is a stream of consciousness, to be experienced. reading it enriched my life. I was disappointed when i had finished the book, as a pleasant experience had ended. Reading the book again was not as enjoyable as reading it for the first time; the information was the same, but I'd already experienced it.
Strong AI (Score:1)
A key notion that undergirds the book is that of Strong AI. to wit, the notion that every mind you ever encounter is purely software running on some sort of computational hardware: be it a neural net or a termite hill or a massively computer.
I suggest that a good counter-point to GEB is Roger Penrose' _The Emperor's New Mind_ that suggests that the mind emerges from some kinda quantum process within the neurons.
Penrose notes that if Strong AI is correct, then each mind can be implemented on a Turing machine. this gives the mind an ontological status similar to that of the theorem of pythagorus or the quicksort algorithm. This is a delightfully ironic platonic consequence of a decidedly non-platonic start-point.
Re:A Real Life Changer (Score:1)
To say this book overpowered my poor unprepared teenage mind would be a serious understatement.
I loved it!
A quote from the come-on text on the back of Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age (since you mentioned it) could apply equally well to GEB:
"People who plow through these mind-bogglers will walk around slack-jawed for days and reemerge with a radically redefined sense of reality"
Only in my case it's been more like decades.
Re:Dissenting opinion (Score:1)
Sure. Why not? Consider for a moment WHY people masturbate. It's fun! Wrapping one's brain around the ideas in GEB:EGB is fun too. Even if it doesn't lead to a career in AI research.
This book used those entertaining puzzles and games to illustrate some fairly hairy concepts in ways even an uninitiated teenager could kinda sorta grasp. Surely there's some value in that.
This book made me go into computer science (Score:1)
Finished reading (Score:1)
Of cabbages and Kings (Score:1)
A Real Life Changer (Score:1)
In all honesty, I think I probably would still have ended up as a programmer without reading this book, but I wouldn't be the same person and I would have less of a sense of wonder about it all.
As it happens, I'm in the middle of rereading Neal Stephenson's The Diamond Age - I reckon GEB is A Nerd's Illustrated Primer.
Finished reading (Score:1)
This is not incompatible (i.e. it fails to avoid being not incompatible) with our valuable grey stuff being Turing-equivalent. Un/fortunately it is not a proof.
Actually, the way I read geb (in my teens) was a bit like a TM, shuttling backwards and forwards, with each transition altering my internal state. I did get to the end then. I wonder if my thirtysomething TM program will halt?
Hrrm.... (Score:2)
Another dissatisfied customer (Score:1)
But I did not like this book.
Well the first chapter was very good. After that he seemed to be spending a whole book saying the same thing he said in the first chapter. After a while I started highlighting things which I perceived as logic errors. Finally it wasn't worth my time any more.
Anyway, thanks for telling me the ending. Now I can be satisfied that I didn't miss out on anything.
geb (Score:1)
i have waaaaay too much time on my hands...
BUT, it keeps giving back, and keeps me interested in all sorts of things ans creating all sorts of stuff...
& i thought i was the only one who thought this book deeply affected them
that and the muppets, i guess..
Hrrm.... (Score:1)
I may try again. I may have more patience now...
There is no ending (Score:1)
Myself, I'm on about my third lap through the book and it gets better with each iteration.
A new opportunity to rave about this book (Score:1)
To those who haven't read it, I can't recommend it highly enough. Yes it's a hard (or at least long) read, but is it EVER worth it! This thing is a complete masterpiece, in places an absolutely dizzying display of inspiration and genius.
I applaud the 12/10 rating!
Read it Now! 8^) (Score:1)
GEB and Emperor's New Mind (Score:1)
The one point in ENM's favour is that it is the first argument I've seen against strong AI which is not directly based on circular definitions (ie definitions of intelligence which include the requirement that the subject must be human, amongst other things.) Unfortunately I don't think the case was made well.
GEB is a profoundly influential text (Score:1)
Nowdays each yearly read yields maybe 1% more understanding
Dissenting opinion (Score:1)
A lot of people seem to be so taken with this book. I can only conclude that the enormous satisfaction of solving the little puzzles and games sprinkled through the text outweighs the enormous letdown of the text's message.
Finished reading (Score:1)
I've been slogging through it slowly, and while the writing style is rather dry, it has spawned an incredible number of ideas as I read it.
I finished it -- automata theory (Score:1)
Dissenting opinion (Score:1)
No longer anonymous, geek-grrl in training
Dissenting opinion (Score:1)
If Hofstader did more than that, good for him. If he didn't, then I would suspect the book is indeed 'masturbatory'.
And I think it would be worthwhile to avoid the Dennett in any case. He's a skilfull metaphor crafter, but not philosophically very deep.
More than AI (Score:1)
In the new preface, DH says, "GEB is a very personal attempt to say how it is that animate beings can come out of inanimate matter." (I will be rereading it with that in mind.) This is more than just AI. For some additional insight into this theme, check out "Emergence: From Chaos to Order" by John H. Holland. I think he even references GEB there.
Read it, finish it, *ARGUE WITH IT* (Score:1)
Hofstadter's a lot better than many AI researchers on this score, but he *STILL* underestimates the degree to which bodies are bound up together with minds. His insistence that perception is bound up with cognition is a step in the right direction but he still falls into the old "mind is software and portable; body is hardware and dispensible" schtick that has plagued AI research since its inception -- in short, the tendency to literalize the "mind as computer" metaphor.
Read him and try to follow everything he is saying and then don't just sit back and accept; *argue* with him; read, for example, the work of George Lakoff, Mark Turner, and Mark Johnson on the embodiment of the mind, or Gilles Fauconnier on analogies and mental spaces, to get some further, less intricately and elegantly expressed, but in some ways more important perspectives on these issues.
To be specific, read GEB and then pick up George Lakoff's _Women, Fire, and Dangerous Things_ for a less hip but equally mind-expanding trip through cognitive science.
math? (Score:1)
Tried. Had no freaking clue. Point granted: this is a book of popular science.
Finished reading (Score:2)
literature, as some folks do). In this respect it always reminds me of Pirsig's "Zen & the Art of Motor Cycle Maintenance".
Flawed, yes, but it still took my breath away. (Score:1)
Then, Douglas wrote his book.
Now, at the outset, let me say that I agree with almost all of the criticisms, including the allegations of self-indulgence and pretensiousness.
But so what? GEB *IS* a beautiful book, beautifully published. It is thought provoking without being intellectually nihilistic (as many paradox-mongering pieces are -- you know what I mean, the vacant-eyed "wow, what a concept" pieces).
So what if many people finish the book thinking they understand Godel when they have missed the point -- and probably never will get the real meat out of it formally? So what if it is too often wielded by the ignorant as authority for the "fact" that Godel means [fill-in-the-blank]?
GEB was FUN!
Here, since we're all nerds -- try this: Express using only predicate calculus the proposition "x is a power of 2."
Trivial, use any notation you like, say basically, "y divides x implies 2 divides y."
Now, try this: "x is a power of 10."
This was just a throwaway in the book, but it was actually a few years before I found an elegant solution, and when I did, I truly felt that I had "gotten it," at last, why the calculus is so powerful and why algebraic expressions would obviously admit self-reference. A three-star problem that was truly worth the journey.
Go ahead.
Then look at Scott Kim's pictures again.
Then read the lovely dialogues.
Then spend a few years studying --and I mean really studying Godel's theorem, metamathematics and the underlying philosophical works addressing the same-- study so that at last you are able to articulately criticize the book effectively for its failings and informalities. Write the essay, and then you will realize that you, too, have missed the point.
Later in life, I wanted to explain to lawyers why some jurisprude's hopes of a purely formal legal system were not realistic, so I wrote a piece, desperately trying to "dumb it down" enough to be comprehensible, while keeping it real enough to be mathematically defensible. You have no idea how hard that is until you really try to do it. (If you are inclined to see how amateurs do it, check out Brown & Greenberg, On Formally Undecidable Propositions of Law: Legal Indeterminacy and the Implications of Metamathematics, 43 Hastings L.J. 1439 (1992)).
While I believe I now understand, at last, Godel's theorems well and deeply, not so much because of GEB, I now understand for certain that the heart and passion of those great works of an early twentieth century mathematician do seem to lie, at the end of the day, in the very playfulness of the subjects of Professor H's book.
He didn't fairly capture the essence of the mathematics, but he did capture its heart and soul. He didn't teach me what I needed to learn about the theorem, but he did teach me how and why I would love it once I did.
And for that, I am still much indebted to Professor H. The book is clearly flawed, yes, but it still took my breath away.
And THAT, IMHO, is why this book won a pulitzer. As a math textbook, this book is very deeply flawed in many ways. But as a piece of non-fiction, GEB is a bright, shining jewel; particularly when viewed in light of the vapid "Hey, man, what a concept" paradox-mongering alternatives.
"Copper, Silver, Gold - (Score:1)
have you found that one?
from memory, anyway . . . (aint got the book around), that was in the bibliography.
I also like the initial word of the book proper:
ie, the whole book is a dialogue
its pretty cute.
Re:Hrrm.... (Score:1)
Hofstadter and the road to Damascus (Score:1)
Very seldom in one's life do such experiences occur.
"Metamagical Themas" is also a good read, and more general (lacking GEB's linking themes of self-reference and cognition). "Le Ton Beau de Marot" has a lot of interesting things to say about machine translation, but Hofstadter also says some rather silly things about linguistics.
If you're even slightly interested in cognition or AI, you should go out and read GEB if you haven't already.
What is "what is it really about" about? (Score:1)
At one level, all the book says is that intelligence is possible. At another, it discusses some of the parallels in music, art and mathematics. At another, it's about brains; it's also about number theory, Zen, and the genetic code; it's about self-reference and analogy, and it's even a parody of (or homage to) Lewis Carroll.
The parable of the five blind men and the elephant doesn't disprove the existence of elephants.
Hrrm.... (Score:1)
In later readings, I have focused on other aspects of the book. No matter how you read or interpret it, GEB is a fabulous read, and will stimulate your thinking.
Re:Hrrm.... (Score:1)
I don't think it's quite correct to say that "absolutely nobody" can say what GEB is about. It really isn't that hard to figure out, but it does require the reader to think about it a bit. This book is by no means a light read. In this respect it is no different than any other substantial piece of literature (or art, or music, or mathematics, for that matter). Still, if you are willing to put forth the effort, you will be well rewarded. Give yourself a treat: read this book.
Next week: all about the time I was riding my bike around campus and nearly ran over Douglas Hofstadter -- my brush with fame!
GEB? BEG - BEad Game! (Score:1)