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Service Oriented Architecture With Java 110

Martijn de Boer writes "The book has been written to provide the reader with a short introduction to the concepts of Service Oriented Architecture with Java. The book covers the theory and analysis from the start and is progressing to a more intermediate level slowly throughout the different chapters. This book has been written for software architects and programmers of the Java language who have an interest in building software using SOA concepts in their applications. The cover hints to a series called “From Technologies to Solutions”, and that is exactly what this book tries to do, it tries to explain the SOA technology with different case studies and a path for solutions for your applications." Read below for the rest of Martijn's review.
Service Oriented Architecture with Java
author Binildas A. Christudas, Malhar Barai, Vincenzo Caselli
pages 192 pages
publisher Packt Publishing
rating 8/10
reviewer Martijn de Boer
ISBN 1847193218
summary This book is an overview of how to implement SOA using Java with the help of real-world examples. It briefly introduces the theory behind SOA and all the case studies are described from scratch.
When I ordered the copy of the book, I was under the impression that I was required some familiarity with terms used in the world of SOA but I was rather fond of the easy explanation of terms in the first chapter. The first chapter starts off with a small introduction to the role of software architecture when thinking about a software project. The chapter covers alternatives to SOA and tries to get the reader onto the right path for the rest of the book.

Later on in the book different subjects pass, the first few chapters start off with the basics of using XML as a communication layer. The third chapter introduces the audience to different implementations of web services in the Java world including the most familiar names as Apache Axis, Spring and XFire. The reader will be shown and guided to the install process of these web services and is being shown around the process of working with the software. The pros and cons of every piece of software are shown when following the steps throughout the chapters.

The book ends with chapters providing case studies of real world examples of SOA and alternatives. I have found this to be the most informative section of the book when looking to make decisions on how to architect a software project as it provides several examples on when to use which aspect of SOA. The different case studies allow you to put some weight and foundations into your decisions. The last chapter of the book is basically a conclusion of what we have learned throughout the book and provides a clear summary of goals of using service oriented architecture.

The reader is expected to have understanding of Java to follow the examples throughout the book. Examples are demonstrated on Windows machines, but could be followed on any other platform as well without having the hassle of setting up a different environment. That is one of the advantages of Service Oriented Architecture with Java, because it basically can be ran everywhere.

When you work your way throughout the book, you will discover different clearly illustrated diagrams and other informational graphics. There are more than enough images to make this something other than a boring theory book, as the images often provide a better understanding of different explanations of architecture and setups.

The book covers a small setup with Apache Axis 1.3 and mentions to use this opposed to the more recent 2.0 version because more software is being implemented on top of the 1.x series of said web service. However because the reader is starting to learn about SOA, it would have been great to see some of the differences and read why 2.0 hasn't been adopted much yet. I would have liked to see a bigger comparison between those two versions, but as the authors point out, there is a great community for both versions which provides a lot more background information if you want to look further into the more technical information that isn't provided in the book yet.

This book is a good way to get your feet wet in using web services to build and architect powerful Java applications for your business. I am no big Java developer yet, and I needed this book to navigate through the different pieces of software available, it succeeded very well at that point. I was fond of the clear writing style, which has always been the case by books from Packt Publishing. The book also has been written in a logical order, putting case studies at the end of the book so they are better to follow. Most technical books I own are written in a way that allows you to jump from chapter to chapter in an order that you need them, but I found this book to be a solid line of information of which the difficulty grade builds up from beginning to end. As a developer and software architect I really appreciate how well this book has been written for this audience, it's almost as if it was written especially for me and the knowledge I had of service oriented architecture.

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Service Oriented Architecture With Java

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  • I'll admit... (Score:4, Interesting)

    by Monkeedude1212 ( 1560403 ) on Wednesday December 02, 2009 @01:43PM (#30300258) Journal

    The only "service" I started from Scratch was the one to make the CD Tray eject every 5 minutes. It's been alot of fun pulling pranks on room mates and co-workers. However my co-worker had the profound idea of putting this on a handful of USB sticks and have it auto-install when plugged in to a computer. Then we toss a handful of these things in the parking lot, and whoever puts in an IT Request about it gets fired.

    As for the book, I've never worked on a web service in Anything but VB, it handles everything we need it to do, which is very basic (pun intended).

    Aside from the familiarity of Java, what benefits would Java offer for web services?

    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      I hope you are not from the UK. If you are then you would be guilty of an offense under the computer Misuse Act. What you are doing is intentionally putting malware(ie changing the operation) onto computer without the knowledge or permission of the user. If you did this in my company it would be groun for instant dismissal. The person using the USB stick could be in deep shit as well.

      Humour bypass intentional.

      • If you were the sysadmin, you could rightly claim it was a security exercise specifically targeting the wetware.
    • by jhoegl ( 638955 )
      A smarter IT person would just disable USB ports or disable additional drive support. So grats... grats on your ability to take a stupid prank and make it harm people because you are an idiot.
      • Presumably, his office's IT dept. has some basic ground rules for users, such as, "Don't use flash drives of an unknown origin." In a case like that, this would not be a prank, but offensive defence of the system. Admittedly, firing does seem a little bit much, but I don't know the situation - perhaps this is a high-security environment, and it's been made clear that there's zero tolerance for things like this.

              --- Mr. DOS

        • by radish ( 98371 )

          Again, why not just lock the ports down? Then people couldn't break the rule even if they wanted to. Asking people not to do something isn't security, preventing them from doing it is.

          • Because their job requires use of authorized flash drives?

                  --- Mr. DOS

          • The company is too large to take on such a task, it was not locked down when the computers were deployed. There are about 400 employees for each IT Technician, so even remoting in to perform a lockdown would take too long.

            • by jhoegl ( 638955 )
              No it wont... add a login script or disable it via GP registry keys. Have one IT tech work on it, it will be done within a day.
    • Re: (Score:3, Informative)

      by i23098 ( 723616 )

      Aside from the familiarity of Java, what benefits would Java offer for web services?

      Aside from having a huge library that helps you build your services, and a language that almost forces you to program well (A bad programmer can be bad in any language, but Java won't give you so many "liberties"), and... I guess you already see the point ;)

    • whoever puts in an IT Request about it gets fired.

      The first to get fired is the IT guy that didn't disable autorun on the company's computers.

      • Re: (Score:3, Interesting)

        And he's been long gone. We haven't actually tried this approach, it was just an idea. But there is nothing wrong with taking an offensive measure to test a companies defense. Certain users will require certain rights to a machine, you simply can't lock -EVERYONE- down. The CEO for example, must have unimpeded web access, and allowed to install his applications at will. If he wants to use MSN Messenger, by God, he is GOING to use MSN messenger. And everyone in his close circle will get some of that cake.


        • We allowed unimpeded internet access for a week and tracked all the people who use facebook once a day or more. They didn't get fired but they got a harsh warning. I mean you can call it underhanded but thats just the route you gotta take in the security biz.

          Who cares if someone uses facebook once a day? Seriously, it takes 5-10 minutes that I spend on a compile or waiting for some other thing.

    • Re: (Score:1, Insightful)

      by Anonymous Coward

      Aside from the familiarity of Java, what benefits would Java offer for web services?

      Compared to VB, one huge, huge advantage: Running on a server class operating system.

    • by slim ( 1652 )

      Aside from the familiarity of Java, what benefits would Java offer for web services?

      From my perspective, the mainstream application server frameworks are all Java-centric. JBoss, WebSphere etc.

      There's a laundy list of features you get from these containers - clustering, connection pooling, caching, load balancing, distributed deployment, etc. .Net probably gives you all this too, but personally I prefer not to be locked into MS (Mono notwithstanding). The Java stuff is reasonably open, so you can migrate between app servers if you need to.

      The mainstream Java IDEs all have plenty of support

  • by H0p313ss ( 811249 ) on Wednesday December 02, 2009 @01:45PM (#30300278)
    ... and actually write my proposed book: "Software Design With Popular Acronyms"
    • by Zarf ( 5735 )

      You and me both. I have an idea for a book called: "Buzzword Buzzword Buzzword for more Buzzword" want to collaborate?

  • by discord5 ( 798235 ) on Wednesday December 02, 2009 @01:49PM (#30300348)

    In Dutch SOA stands for "Sexueel Overdraagbare Aandoening", or Sexually Transmitted Disease. Someone at my office recently received the prestigious title "SOA Expert", which of course has led to very strange looks from the mailman when a package arrives for him.

    It's been several months, and the joke still hasn't gotten old, which shows either the level of inappropriateness of the title in Dutch or the maturity of the people making the joke. (I'm guessing the combination of both)

    • It's been several months, and the joke still hasn't gotten old, which shows either the level of appropriateness of the title in Dutch

      Fixed that for you.

    • by node159 ( 636992 )

      We worked with a product who's acronym was JIS (when said, can not be differentiated with jizz, see [] for definition). Everything had the lable JIS in it including the package names, documentation, server names, job titles (JIS Expert was one of them).

      It took us about 6 months before we could say JIS expert with a straight face, at which point we inflicted this humor on our clients during boardroom meetings, it was hilarious watching them not trying to crack.

  • by fortapocalypse ( 1231686 ) on Wednesday December 02, 2009 @01:58PM (#30300450)
    SOA, Java, Axis 1... Did I take a time warp to 2003? Hard to believe that this would be of much interest these days. Also, CXF is a lot better than Axis, and who still uses Axis 1? Come on...
  • Java is mature. Not really the leading edge anymore. The SOA hype did come and go.
  • by agbinfo ( 186523 ) on Wednesday December 02, 2009 @02:41PM (#30301000) Journal

    Isn't the purpose of SOA to be platform and language independent?

    I would think that a book on SOA that covers a single programming language is missing a key aspect of SOA.

    I understand that if someone is writing an SOA application then the application can be written in Java only but I would expect the application to be tested using several languages.

    • Re: (Score:3, Insightful)

      by Deth_Master ( 598324 )
      Well, the book is called "Service Oriented Architecutres with Java."
      If you're concerned about interoperability, then you will obviously test with other languages. But if you're building multiple services in your company/business for your use, and you're all using Java, then I don't see any reason to use another language. Although, I'd prefer to use OSGi as then you avoid the whole XML thingy.
  • SOA is good for connecting desktop applications to web browser.

How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb? One to hold the giraffe and one to fill the bathtub with brightly colored power tools.
