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Mahara 1.2 EPortfolios 35

RichardSanders writes "This recent publication provides an accessible introduction to using Mahara within business and academic settings. It is great to see that the authors work for TDM, who provide Mahara & Moodle based solutions for a broad range of clients. This professional experience has contributed to a coherent and easy to follow text that provides essential information for new users. This comes as no surprise, as many individuals within the academic sector regularly benefit from Derrin's advice within mailing lists concerned with educational technologies." Keep reading for the rest of Richard's review.
Mahara 1.2 ePortfolios: Beginners Guide
author Derrin Kent, Richard Hand, Glenys Bradbury and Margaret Kent
pages 264
publisher Packt Publishing
rating 9/10
reviewer RichardSanders
ISBN 978-1-847199-06-5
summary This book will provide you with step-by-step instructions to get started with Mahara and create an impressive electronic portfolio.
Covering key functionality that the reader should be aware of, the book comprises of 7 main chapters dealing with reasons for using Mahara, setting up an account, adding artefacts, creating portfolio views, creating & managing groups, interacting with friends, overall site settings and administration. TDM have also provided an installation of Mahara for readers of the book to interact with, if they do not have access to an installation of their own.

Looking at this from the perspective of higher education, I can see this publication being used in two main ways. Academics can dip in and out of the publication to cement their understanding, and it can also be used in formulating support for students who are using Mahara for the first time. For both of these purposes, the authors' previous experience of writing instructional text for technology shines through, with flowing informal writing that is easy to digest and a logical, stepped approach to introducing each of the key features. Use of screenshots is intelligently done and you are provided with questions to test your understanding within every chapter. I particularly liked the 'Have a go hero' sections provided throughout the book, which are designed to encourage deeper investigation by the reader.

Other highlights include Derrin's example of a multi-page Mahara view, an easy to understand explanation of tagging. It's great to see the authors highlighting the importance of folder structures for files that you may store online. The publication also deals with quality checklists for information that you publish online, which is important to consider from an accessibility perspective.

For a new edition, there are only a few improvements that the authors could consider. The main area for improvement relates to the provided case studies, which are referred to at appropriate points within chapters. These are designed to illustrate how Mahara functionality can be used in particular situations and they manage to fulfill this purpose. This useful idea could be significantly enriched if case study examples were integrated into TDM's companion Mahara installation for readers to access. This would also help to encourage active community involvement around the installation, which could bring further collaborative benefits between readers in the future. It is also worth mentioning that the index could be improved for those that want to dip in and out of content.

I can whole-heartedly recommend this publication to anyone who is intending on using Mahara for the first time. If you need a more general academic justification for using ePortfolios or are looking for a way to compare the different solutions available for use, you would be better off looking somewhere else. This book is unashamedly for those who have already considered this and have come to the conclusion that Mahara is the best fit. With the close integration of Moodle with Mahara on the horizon, using this book to learn the basics becomes a no-brainer for those who already have this popular open source VLE.

You can purchase Mahara 1.2 ePortfolios: Beginners Guide from amazon.com. Slashdot welcomes readers' book reviews -- to see your own review here, read the book review guidelines, then visit the submission page.


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Mahara 1.2 EPortfolios

Comments Filter:
  • What is it? (Score:5, Insightful)

    by oldspewey ( 1303305 ) on Wednesday September 01, 2010 @12:40PM (#33438252)
    Would it have killed the submitter to provide some little inkling of what Mahara actually is somewhere near the top of TFS?
    • by Mr Z ( 6791 )

      I was thinking the exact same thing. With a few choice search and replace steps, this could almost be a review for anything! I gather it has something to do with education, given the references to educators and students.

      Looking at this from the perspective of $PROFESSION, I can see this publication being used in two main ways. $PROFESSIONALS can dip in and out of the publication to cement their understanding and it can also be used in formulating support for $USERS who are using $PRODUCT for the first tim

    • Re: (Score:2, Funny)

      by SnarfQuest ( 469614 )

      Would it have killed the submitter to provide some little inkling of what Mahara actually is somewhere near the top of TFS?

      Mahara is obviously a famous high end prostitute. If you are spending that kind of money on a whore, you will want to be prepared for the experience. Thus this book.

    • And the cover shot of the sky with trees makes it all so clear. And the byline "Learn by doing: less theory, more results". Even more clear.
      • by berbo ( 671598 )

        And the cover shot of the sky with trees makes it all so clear. And the byline "Learn by doing: less theory, more results". Even more clear.

        Wow! that's exactly what I've been looking for!

    • Mahara. Because Mahara and Moodle. Durka durka durka durka.

    • The author clearly thought that the the summary on the mahara.org site [mahara.org] would clear things up: "Mahara is an open source e-portfolio system with a flexible display framework. Mahara, meaning 'think' or 'thought' in Te Reo Mori, is user centred environment with a permissions framework that enables different views of an e-portfolio to be easily managed."

      The author was clearly wrong.

  • Sad (Score:2, Funny)

    by Anonymous Coward

    I actually just went to the Wikipedia page on Mahara [wikipedia.org] and I still don't know what it is.

    A "digital portfolio of their learning"? An ePortfolio? I even went to the Wikipedia page on that subject [wikipedia.org] and I still can't tell you what this is.

    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by oldspewey ( 1303305 )
      I think next time I have some time on my hands, I'm going to invent a new software project called Odolum 1.1, register a domain, post a mock website, photoshop the cover of a book called Mastering Odolum 1.1, write a convincing book review, and post the story here to slashdot.
    • It took me several minutes of reading through their marketing speak, but I believe it is a content management system with some additional features like mailing lists tacked on (I cannot be 100% sure, though... even after going through the sample sites). If the product description is any indication, the code is probably a mess.
    • hehe - yeah, I hear you. If you're not familiar with ePortfolios then most descriptions sound like heaps of buzzwords from a different industry :)

      Speaking as a teacher, I know what an ePortfolio is (more or less), so let me take a shot at explaining it. But instead of re-typing stuff, let me start with stuff from the "ePortfolio" page on wikipedia:

      "An electronic portfolio, also known as an e-portfolio or digital portfolio, is a collection of electronic evidence assembled and managed by a user, usually on

      • I'll offer a further perspective. The e-portfolio is an online portfolio as seen and espoused by faculty who think that frequently and loudly saying "Web 2.0" and and "digital divide" make them hip and savvy. Such faculty prefer not to trouble themselves with educational assessments and studies of outcomes but instead give conference presentations (on Powerpoint) about topics like how awesome Second Life is.
  • I read this twice to try to figure out what it was about and now my brain is dead.
  • Grammar (Score:4, Insightful)

    by abigor ( 540274 ) on Wednesday September 01, 2010 @12:59PM (#33438534)

    The review reads like it was written by a beginner ESL student:

    "Covering key functionality that the reader should be aware of, the book comprises of 7 main chapters dealing with reasons for using an Mahara, set up of account, adding artefacts, creating portfolio views, creating & managing groups, interacting with friends, overall site settings and administration."

    Not to mention that it doesn't give even a brief explanation of what this Mahara thing is. Total Slashdot review failure.

  • Rob Roy provides a review of Maboosa's book on Tingalo and Jehooviast. This books will allow users to get the most out of their Tingalo and optimize and scale out ther Jehooviast installations. In addition, paradigms will be shifted.
    • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

      by istartedi ( 132515 )

      My paradigm shifted and, due to a cosmic ray was padded with random garbage instead of zeros. Now, I must take exception to all this...

      • Re: (Score:3, Funny)

        by mike260 ( 224212 )

        My paradigm shifted and cut off the circulation to my legs. Should've used Mahara!

  • What is Mahara (Score:5, Informative)

    by MichaelPenne ( 605299 ) on Wednesday September 01, 2010 @01:49PM (#33439242) Homepage
    Basically it's open source software for creating an education institutions own 'Facebook' social networking site. It was created by a consortium of institutions in New Zealand - which by the way has made a national commitment to FOSS- with many of the island's Universities and Schools running Linux on the desktop, Moodle for their Learning Management System (online quizzes, discussions, assignments, gradebooks, etc.) and Mahara for their social networking/eportfolio.

    When an institution installs Mahara, each user gets their own site where they can post files, have a blog, post photos, etc. and then invite people to view different parts of their site based on access roles, e.g. guest can see some things, teachers can see other things, employers can see yet other things, etc.

    Students use it to build resumes, weblogs, create their own learner communities, etc. When it's integrated with an LMS like Moodle, assignments can be pushed from Moodle to Mahara - say a particularly good paper, photo, video, etc. and you can also send views from Mahara to Moodle for grading - say a blog assignment, etc.

    Mahara, means 'think' or 'thought' in Te Reo Mori- overall its very cool software and a very cool project- nice to see it getting recognition!

    Full Disclosure - my company provides commercial support for Mahara and contributes financial and code support as one of the network of Mahara partners- we have more information about it here [remote-learner.net].

    • So it isn't about pine trees then?
    • by IICV ( 652597 )

      Your post was at least one if not two orders of magnitude more informative than TFA. I am now actually interested in Mahara, as opposed to merely being curious and vaguely apathetic.

    • Mahara, means 'think' or 'thought' in Te Reo Mori

      To paraphrase Byron, I wish you would explain your explanation. What is "Te Reo Mori"? I'm guessing it's the correct name for what is known as Maori, but it's hardly something that is common knowledge outside New Zealand.

"How do I love thee? My accumulator overflows."
