Security Strategy: From Requirements To Reality 64
brothke writes "Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems by Ross Anderson is arguably the best information security book ever written. Anderson's premise is that security technology needs to take a structured engineering approach to systems design, with detailed requirements and specification from start-up to development and implementation; just as those designing buildings and bridges do. Without a deeply embedded structured approach to security systems design, Anderson argued that we find ourselves in the situation we are in today, with applications and operating systems full of bugs, vulnerabilities and other serious security flaws. As good as Security Engineering is, it was not written to be a detailed information security design guide. That vacuum has been filled by an incredibly important and valuable new bookSecurity Strategy: From Requirements to Reality." Read on for the rest of Ben's review.
Security Strategy is one of the first books that shows how to perform a comprehensive information security assessment and design, from section, development and deployment of a security strategy best suited to a specific organization. Security Strategy: From Requirements to Reality | |
author | Bill Stackpole and Eric Oksendahl |
pages | 346 |
publisher | Auerbach Publications |
rating | 10/10 |
reviewer | Ben Rothke |
ISBN | 1439827338 |
summary | One of the best information security books of the last few years |
The books main focus is on the planning, requirements and execution need to ensure formal and comprehensive information security elements are built into systems, applications and processes.
Authors Bill Stackpole and Eric Oksendahl each have over 25 years in the industry and the book reflects their vast expertise. Oksendahl spent time at Boeing, one of the most security aware organizations, with Stackpole spending a decade at Microsoft. While Microsoft is chided for creating more insecurity than security, it is worth noting that no organization in the world has spent more on training its staff and developers on security than Microsoft.
The books 300 densely written pages are composed of 14 chapters divided into 2 sections. Section one (chapters 1-6) is about strategy, with section two (chapters 7-14) around tactics.
Complete with checklists of the physical security requirements that organizations should consider when evaluating or designing facilities, the book provides the insight needed to enable an organization to achieve the operational efficiencies, cost reductions, and brand enhancements that are possible when an effective security strategy is put into action.
Chapters 1-3 take a high-level overview on how to approach strategy, with its many details. The authors note that strategy is a long-term plan of action designed to achieve a goal that includes what work will be done and by whom. This is not a trivial task, as many organizations simply roll-out a new technology, without defining what its goals are, and who exactly will manage and support this new technology.
Chapter 4 is where the hard work begins, as this chapter details the issues around strategic planning. Noting that strategic security planning is hard work and takes time; many organizations attempt to take an assumed easier path, that of bypassing security details and specifications. That is precisely why information security is in such a sorry state in many firms. These firms would rather buy a security appliance and place it in their data center and hope it works; rather than defining the details and specifications of what the appropriate appliance is in the first place.
Part 2 commences on the topic of tactics, and defines them as procedures or sets of actions used to achieve a specific objective. What this chapter does well, as does the entire book, is that it compels the reader to focus on specifics and objectives.
Chapter 9 gets into the importance of observation, in knowing what is going on within the network. The book notes that observation is both a deterrent and a detector. The chapter goes into detail about how observation works both in the physical world and its corollary use in the network side. The chapter breaks down the various functions needed to ensure that observation is done correctly; as opposed to the common method of simply rolling out an IDS and hoping that it somehow works.
Chapter 11 details the SDL (security development lifecycle). As the chapter notes, an effective SDL can improve application security via the use of a set of development practices designed to reduce or eliminate exploitable vulnerabilities. The issue though is that far too few organizations realize the need for a SDL, let alone take the time to design and deploy it.
Chapter 14 ends on the topic of security awareness training. While the notion of security awareness for many firms is an annual 10-slide PowerPoint; the authors take a pragmatic approach and detail the various parts of what makes for an effective awareness program.
Security Strategy: From Requirements to Reality is an incredibly valuable book that advances the state of information security. For organizations that are looking to get serious about information security, and those that want to go from good to great, the book is an invaluable guide that lays the groundwork on how to develop a first-rate information security infrastructure.
Taking a look at its table of contents shows the many fine points in which the book goes into each particular point, showing how it can be properly designed and deployed for effective security controls.
My only peeve with the book is that it lacked a CD-ROM or web site in which to download the many tables and matrices the book is built on. It is hoped that future editions will have them available.
Security Strategy: From Requirements to Reality is one of the best information security books of the last few years. Those who are serious about information security will ensure this is on their reading list, and that of everyone in their organization tasked with information security.
Ben Rothke is the author of Computer Security: 20 Things Every Employee Should Know.
You can purchase Security Strategy: From Requirements to Reality from amazon.com. Slashdot welcomes readers' book reviews -- to see your own review here, read the book review guidelines, then visit the submission page.
tl;dnr (Score:2, Funny)
Linus approach to the problem (Score:3, Funny)
Your servers need a blanket.
Oh, you thought I meant THAT Linus...
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weirdly conciliatory remark (Score:5, Insightful)
Is it worth noting that? To me, that just reads as "Microsoft is a very big company".
It could well be the case that no organization in the world has spent more on cheese than the U.S. government. That wouldn't make me want to eat it.
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Is it worth noting that? To me, that just reads as "Microsoft is a very big company".
It could well be the case that no organization in the world has spent more on cheese than the U.S. government. That wouldn't make me want to eat it.
While true, I am sure, both of the above comments reflect your own biases.
A) It is entirely possible that Microsoft could have spent less than every company on security training. They did not. Whether or not this is noteworthy is up to the reader, but unless Microsoft is in fact larger than every other 'very big company', then it stands to reason that they did something different. You're not arguing the effectiveness, the commonality, or any other point. You're just somehow equating 'big' with 'most sec
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Oh, I am absolutely biased against Microsoft. Admitted freely, right here. In the aggregate, they suck.
And I'm biased against bland cheese, too, because there are so many hard-working cows, goats, and sheep out there making really delicious cheese that I don't want to see their efforts swept aside in a sea of mediocrity.
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Well, I try not to be biased against Microsoft, some of their products (in my opinion) are actually better than their competitors were Excel (very polished and usable spreadsheet) and Visual Studio (slightly buggy, but very well integrated). Well, I decided to check out Windows Phone 7, after all, Windows 7 is much better than XP.
It sucked, it was just terrible beyond compare, things were slow, badly laid out, hard to read and slow to navigate. I just have to think to myself, why is Microsoft with its resou
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Hmm, well, you could also make the argument that $LARGE_DEFENSE_CONTRACTOR spends more on ethics training than any other @GOVERNMENT_CONTRACTOR, but how does that correlate with the number and impact of misconduct from procurement scandals they've been implicated in? Is integrity measured by $($scandals+$fines)/$(training hours) ?
Good cheese, like fine wine, smells like $hi+. But we eat that $hi+ up all the same! I don't know where I'm going with this.
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While true, I am sure, both of the above comments reflect your own biases.
Sadly, when it comes to security, reality has a well-known anti-Microsoft bias.
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Surely, but even when they try harder, they get negativity for that, too.
It's a sad state of humanity where even if MS fixed everything and was the single greatest product ever, slashdot would still trash them for it.
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It's sadder when a company which has done such crappy deeds and released such crappy products continues to exist in the first place.
No, in fact it is not, and that would be my point. So long as the crappy-ness stopped, there really ought not be any issue with them existing or not existing.
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"Whether or not this is noteworthy is up to the reader"
It *is* noteworthy, probably not in the intended way.
"Stackpole spending a decade at Microsoft. While Microsoft is chided for creating more insecurity than security, it is worth noting that no organization in the world has spent more on training its staff and developers on security than Microsoft. "
If Stackpole spent a decade at Microsoft, as implied, related to security tasks and Microsoft spent that much time and money to achieve such bad results, may
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That would be "Freedom Cheese" & transfat-full canned cheese I suppose, not decent French, Swiss, German or English cheeses?
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Indeed. It's results that matter, not expense. Whatever it is that Microsoft is doing, they're obviously still doing it wrong when it's 2010 and there are still new buffer overflows discovered each month in Internet Explorer.
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Not necessarily wrong. If they have N times as many lines of code to audit, they need to spend an absolute minimum of N times as much just to stay on level pegging. Spending N/2 times as much is still more, but it isn't usefully more.
Then there's program arcs. You can't just validate each line of code, you have to validate each arc as well. Windows 7 probably has many, many more program arcs than say, oh, Photoshop. At least, I hope so. If you test twice as many arcs but your code has a hundred times as man
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"If they have N times as many lines of code to audit, they need to spend an absolute minimum of N times as much just to stay on level pegging."
That's exactly the point: with regards of secure development, if it's about auditing, then you are doing it wrong.
not worth noting at all (Score:1)
"While Microsoft is chided for creating more insecurity than security, it is worth noting that no organization in the world has spent more on training its staff and developers on security than Microsoft. "
That's not worth noting at all, microsoft has a bigger staff than any software development company in the world. Them spending $10 to train each employee on security would still be more than spending $100,000 to train each employee at a small 9 employee security firm.
Re:not worth noting at all (Score:4, Informative)
According to this...
IBM has around ~380,000 employees
Hewlett Packard ~320,000 employees
Oracle ~200,000 employees
http://hubpages.com/hub/Worlds-Largest-Companies-Worlds-Largest-Companies-by-Employees-And-Blue-Chip-Largest-Company-List [hubpages.com]
Microsoft isn't even on the list. But I found other sources suggesting they are ~100,000 employees
And that's just "IT". Many other companies on the list in fields including Banks, Financial Services, Aerospace, and Utilities also really *should* have substantial security budgets. So, maybe it is 'worthy of note' that Microsoft has spent more on training its staff and devs on security. (Assuming its true... I'm skeptical that there is a good source for that information in the first place... but perhaps there is?)
Arguably? (Score:1)
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It usually means that if you were to consult a panel of experts - there would be a debate.
It does not mean that "someone, anyone, could argue for it" like you seem to think.
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The dictionaries (Webster's, American Heritage, don't have my OED handy) disagree. Therefore I concede your point is arguable. B-)
(However, you did make the assumption that I am not an expert in the subject.)
My point is that the word adds nothing, and its only effect is to make me sigh because when I see it, I know that the reviewer out of his/her depth. Is it the best security book ever, or is it not? I want answers, dammit!
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Well how do you FOR SURE say that something is THE BEST or not? For that you'd need to have access to all of the security books ever and thoroughly gone through and evaluated all of them and ranked them too. Then as soon as a new book is released you must do the exact same process.
Arguably adds the effect of, "Yes - it IS the best security book out there as far as we know. It's entirely possible there is a better one, but we don't know of it. Someone would have to argue for it"
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The exact translation of Arrrrgh is unknown, but seems to involve the translator being sliced up with a cutlass before walking the plank.
This is not "information security strategy" (Score:1, Insightful)
Let's not confuse what this book is about...this is about systems, development and engineering. That does not encapsulate "information security strategy" or even "information security" as a whole. There are many other moving parts including governance, management, culture, people and things that require diligence beyond technology. Way too many people describe information security using the wrong terms. We need to be specific about what we're talking about and also discuss how these components fit into
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We are at the beginning of a new era of humanity, and whether our descendants praise this generation or curse us depends a lot on what we choose to do now. The problem is we are making a lot of choices based on little or no comprehension of potential future consequences.
For example, the current mad rush into the *cloud* with data by governments and businesses for the sole purpose of saving a few bucks in the sho
Anderson-Book: Nearly worthless (Score:4, Informative)
The problem is that while "Security Engineering: A Guide to Building Dependable Distributed Systems" does give a lot of interesting details, it is unusable as a guide and it is not an engineering book. I found it to be basically worthless, except for security-junkies that can use it as bedtime reading material. The problem is that it has no discernible systematics, but instead is a collection of said details.
Even calling is a good book is wrong, as it spectacularly fails to achieve any worthwhile purpose with regard to engineering or science. My advice is to not buy it. The money is better spent on almost any other purpose.
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I know. I bought the last edition, based on those comments. I was sorely disappointed. Being a PhD-level engineer and security consultant, it is possible that my standards are higher. I guess for non-security people this book provides significant entertainment value.
But its primary failing is that it does not help engineering, i.e. actually solving problems in a systematic way, at all. I cannot recommend it for anybody wanting to get into the security field in a professional capacity at all, except maybe as
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Your reasoning is flawed. Mediocre teachers can still have excellent students, because their reputation for something else attracts them. Also, when talking about PhD students, they basically self-educate with a little help regarding direction. An excellent researcher can give that help, even if he is not a good teacher.
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Totally agree. This book gets great reviews because it is entertaining, but fails totally as an "guide". It will not turn anyone into a security practioner.
Regarding the author, while his heart is certainly in the right place, his research has erred a little on the sensatianalistic side ("Chip and Pin is Broken!"). I will have a look at this book, but my expectations are low.
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Not at all. Anderson fails to deliver. If this were even a reasonable engineering book, as the subtitle promises, then I would be recommending it, because there are not many reasonably good security engineering books. But this book has me doubting that the author understands what engineering is, namely the systematic application of a craft to solve specific problems. There is nothing systematic in this book and very little about problem solving.
And please see my original comment about Anderson's research, w
Security is Bad Because Nobody Wants to Pay for It (Score:5, Insightful)
Re:Security is Bad Because Nobody Wants to Pay for (Score:5, Insightful)
Security holes, like illegal toxic waste dumps are negative externalities. Without some kind of regulation and enforcement, rational individuals and companies will continue to create more security holes simply because they're not paying the true cost of insecure software.
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Security holes, like illegal toxic waste dumps are negative externalities.
They are not strictly externalities, because some of the bad effects can and do rebound on the business entity that is causing the problem. At least they can involve loss of reputation, and they can include the cost of emergency ex post facto mitigation measures, if a security problem is severe. Other financial or legal consequences are also possible, but license agreements typically include a limitation of liability, which provides some insulation.
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The presence of a negative externality doesn't mean the person or organization responsible gets off scot-free. It means that they aren't hit with the full cost of the problem they've caused. I would argue that security holes are a classic case of a negative externality as the organizations responsible for creating them pay a very small amount compared to the economic damage that these security holes cause.
bugs have nothing to do with security (Score:2)
It's a no go (Score:2)
"...with detailed requirements and specification from start-up"
So by it's own admission, it won't work.