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News Books Media Book Reviews

Review:UML Distilled

SEGV has submitted a review of UML Distilled: Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language, the first book by Addison-Wesley that is UML Specific in their Object Technology Series. If you're interested in knowing more about the Uniform Modeling Language, click below.
UML Distilled: Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language
author Martin Fowler with Kendall Scott
publisher Addison-Wesley
rating 9/10
reviewer SEGV
ISBN 0-201-32563-2
summary A short and to the point introduction to the standard object modeling language.

UML Distilled: Applying the Standard Object Modeling Language,
by Martin Fowler with Kendall Scott

[Addison-Wesley, ISBN 0-201-32563-2]

reviewed by SEGV


A short and to the point introduction to the standard object modeling language.

Rating: 9/10

What is the UML?

A modeling language is a (mainly graphical) notation for expressing software designs. Over the last decade, many object-oriented analysis and design gurus developed their own modeling languages and techniques for using them. The two most successful were the Booch method and OMT (Object Modeling Technique). Over the last few years, three of the top gurus (Grady Booch, Jim Rumbaugh, and Ivar Jacobson, now known as the "three amigos") joined forces and unified their methods; hence, the Unified Modeling Language.

The result of that union was the company Rational Software, which developed UML versions 1.0 and 1.1. Now, the OMG (Object Management Group, purveyors of CORBA) is in the process of adopting the UML as standard. Be warned: the OMG adopted version 1.1 as their version 1.0, so there is a lamentable discrepancy in the version numbers.

About the Book

UML Distilled is the first UML-specific book in Addison-Wesley's Object Technology Series (the three amigos are the series editors). The book's online site contains some sample chapters and supplementary information. Martin Fowler's home page also contains useful information.

I have the sixth printing, which is updated to cover UML version 1.0 (per OMG). If you get this book, be sure to get this printing or later.

100% Distilled

UML Distilled is one of the shortest computer books I own: the chapters themselves comprise only 166 pages. It is really only an introduction and overview of the UML and its application; three forthcoming books by the three amigos will go into greater depth. However, the book's brevity is its strength: it is very easily read, and can be consumed in a good afternoon.

Applying the UML

Fowler cuts straight to the chase. In the second chapter he outlines a bare bones development process suitable for use with the UML. In subsequent chapters he covers different parts of the UML, explaining notation, semantics, tips, and techniques. The final chapter is the piece de resistance: an extended example taking the reader from a UML design to Java code.

Throughout UML Distilled, Fowler is not afraid to tell you how he uses the modeling language himself. He will tell you which parts of it he finds extremely useful, and which parts he doesn't bother with. He'll even tell you where he is inclined to bend the rules slightly and do something that strictly speaking doesn't conform to the standard. That's okay, since the desired result is to have the modeling language be of use to you.


As the table of contents shows, most of the chapters cover a particular type of diagram in the UML. If you've never object modeling diagrams, you should check out the book's inside covers, which give a feel for their various elements (and serve as an excellent reference).

I find the class diagrams, interaction diagrams, and activity diagrams to be of most use to me. The first kind is absolutely essential for documenting the structure of your classes. The second kind is useful for documenting how the various classes interact with each other. The third kind is useful for documenting the steps in a task. The latter two kinds even allow for concurrency! And of course, they are all meant to be used during the design phase, and not merely for documentation after the implementation phase (often a sad reality).


I typically do object modeling with a stack of large sheets of blank paper, or a whiteboard. But software tools do exist, whether they are more of a drawing tool or actually generate code. Rational Rose is one of the better known and most advanced tools. However, the software is typically quite expensive. I'm not aware of any freely available alternatives.

Design Patterns

It is worth noting that Fowler is also the author of Analysis Patterns (online site), a book of design patterns for business domain modeling. If you're a patterns fan, you'll be happy to note that there are several examples of their usage in UML Distilled.


UML Distilled is suitable for all levels. It is short and to the point, and offers an excellent introduction to the field of object modeling. Fowler offers good advice where he is qualified, and points the reader elsewhere (other books or web sites) where his knowledge or experience is lacking, or where further information is available. I recommend this book, at least until the "canon" UML books are available!

Buy this book over at Amazon.


  1. Introduction
  2. An Outline Development Process
  3. Use Cases
  4. Class Diagrams: The Essentials
  5. Class Diagrams: Advanced Concepts
  6. Interaction Diagrams
  7. Package Diagrams
  8. State Diagrams
  9. Activity Diagrams
  10. Deployment Diagrams
  11. UML and Programming
  • Techniques and Their Uses
  • Changes From UML 1.0 to 1.1
  • Bibliography
  • Index
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Review:UML Distilled

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